Electro Fanclub (aka Revive Smol Bat boi)
R: This studio is @Batqrince-'s fault B: ik,, I really left him HANGING didn't I? R: Yes you did and that’s why if we get enough members you have to revive him B: yeah,, but almost no one knows who he is so ;> R: Then spread the word people B: pftt im too lazy- “I gently open the closet door but the door is not opened gently so instead I slam it open and scream “ELECTRO WAKE UP RIGHT NOW- oh.” -Rift 2018 B: Have you noticed, that Electro hasn't turned to dust yet, like normal monsters when they die? R: OMG I JUST REALIZED THAT B: Hmm,, I wonder why :) R: Can we keep this studio alive Also we need to revive Jackie Boi too lol B: but why B: Jackie can stay dead he deserves it B: BOTH JACKIE AND ELECTRO ARE ALIVE AGAIN WOOOO R: YESSSSSS MY BOIS B: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO