Overwatch roleplay
Ok so you can add Overwatch related projects and the comments are for the roleplay. You can add your OCs but I need a description on them. Name | who they work for | VERY SHORT description of their personality | if they have any diseases (optional) | friends | relationships (optional) | weapons | what they look like| Rules: 1) You can have more than one OC but no more than 3 2) don't be rude to anyone 3) don't add any none overwatch related projects 4) you can only play 2 people at one time 5) you cannot take someone's part in the roleplay unless they quit and I give you the thumbs up Characters: Genji: Hanzo: Widowmaker: Tracer: Junkrat: Roadhog: Soldier 76: Reaper: Ana: D.VA: Mei: Mccree: Sombra: Symmetra: Orisa: Reinhardt: Winston: Wrecking Ball: Zarya: Bastion: Doomfist: Pharah: Torbjorn: Brigitte: Lucio: Mercy: Moira: Zenyatta: OCs:


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