Inter-Dimensional Game RP
Ah, the Inter-dimensional game, a wonderful world filled with strange creatures and discoveries. Bio: Name / Gender / Age / Appearance (you can play as a human, trap-trap, thrower, or height) / Personality / Pet (dimensional dog, cosmic cat, celestial snake, mighty mouse or heavenly hamster) / other Animals: Dimensional Dog: A magical dog to serve as your companion. Cosmic Cat: This magical kitty will be your friend. Celestial Snake: This snake is magical, and If it likes you then you can hang out with it. Mighty Mouse: This cute critter has magical powers. Heavenly Hamster: I think it’s magic comes from being adorable. Cyber Spider: Found in Colorvoid. It can use it’s fangs and glowing laser webs to fight, each different color fights the others, and each color has a special ability. Each spider can have an ability uncommon to it’s color. Red - Beam, the symbol on the spiders back creates a powerful beam of light, harming nearby enemies and signaling allies Orange - Grip, the spider can increase it’s strength Yellow - Fangs, the spiders fangs become laser sharp and can be used to slash and bite enemies Green - Speed, the spider becomes very quick and dangerous Blue - Web, the spider can create twice as much web at a time Purple - Darkness, the glowing eyes, fangs and symbol of the spider go dark Iridescent Eel: Found in Colorvoid, White, Darkland and Overrust. This strange magic eel appears different from every angle, a rainbow of confusion. It has strange magic abilities and can be very aggressive or perfectly placid, however, it is uncommonly found in between. Glow-Rope Fish: Found in White. A giant fish found in shallow water, it moves very slowly and has a large light on a rope, similar to an angler fish, it will try to eat you if you touch it’s light. Trap-Trap: Found in White and Darkland. A quick, enthusiastic creature, it looks like a small, white troll and will commonly trade with players. Thrower: Found in White. It usually has a weapon, and looks like a taller version of Trap-Trap, it will occasionally act hostile. Height: Found in White. It is two to three times taller than a human and is placid, it is usually rare and found high in the sky. Hush Puppy: Found in White and Darkland. A silent and magical dog that never opens it’s eyes, it’s magic is extremely powerful. Rush Puppy: Found in White and Darkland. When a Hush Puppy finally opens it’s eyes it will become the great and powerful Rush Puppy, much more energetic and powerful. Eyesore: This boss enemy is a giant gargoyle with many eyes, it doesn’t appreciate the presence of other people and will try to crush you.


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