Rainstar's prophecy (Warriors RP!)
So no need to make a bio this Rp is Rainkit/paw/fur/star's prophecy (thanks to Erin Hunter for wrighting the warriors books and this idea is from Bluestar's prophecy so all thanks to Erin Hunter) the cats in this RP are.... Bluekit @Savvybug02 Willowfur(medicine cat) Birdwing(Rainkit's mother) Shinekit(Rainkit's sister) and you are alowed to make your own cats if you don't want to be one of the cats in the list.
Riverkit @Poppyfrost90
Shadow @ShadowGaming218
Shinekit @Gingerstorm1423
Rainkit @Savvybug02
Bluekit @cocoawhat
Burningflame @dayfin
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