I'm Hosting an Art Contest!!
Hey all! I'm hosting an art contest.
If you'd like to see what art I'd like you to try and copy, then click on this link: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/199144509/
Your Art is due on 2/7/2018.
Don't worry, I won't judge! I know you'll try your best and even if you rush, there's no need to worry. Because If your art is due, then just ask for an extension, and you'll get an extra week.
You can choose up to 4 of them.
You have to look at the project to see which art you'd like to do, and then say the number of the costume by going inside.
Basically redraw the pictures :D
Have Fun! :D
1. @Vegutie
2. @TheRealGoldenFall
This studio has no projects yet.
Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!