LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, EVERYONE PLEASE WELCOME... DA PURPLE SQUAD! @PurpleCircleStudios (PURPLE, PCS), @PurpleKittens999 (PURPLE AGAIN, PK) and @Karzy07 (PURPLE TIGERS, PT, LOOK AT HER (USED TO BE) PROFILE PICTURE) are going to get together IRL and make projects, like every month or something. GUYS! THE NOVEMBER ONE IS HERE!!! CHECK IT OUT!!! NO asking to curate or be manager, because it's for just OUR projects that we make and put here. You can remix it if we say you have permission (it'll be on the project), and if we took the idea from someone, we'll give credit to you for the idea. Soz, we haven't had the time to do one each month, so every 4 months or something...? We'll probs be doing... Nutshell things (@noazwa) Random projects (*cough cough* PK & PT) And other stuff that is the definition of FUN! And the definition of insanity... (Added by the boring PCS XD) PurpleCircleStudios: Excuse me... PurpleKittens999: Yes? Once again, it'll be just @PurpleCircleStudios, @PurpleKittens999 and @Karzy07! Have fun, and enjoy the one and only project in there (so far)! BYEEEE!!!!! @PurpleKittens999 @PurpleCircleStudios @Karzy07 XD