Hell, Humans, and Halfbloods
Here is my website http://user300141.weebly.com/ 300141 creator of studio This studio is about my new series. Hell, Humans, and Halfbloods. I hope you like it, if you are offended by anything I might of said, I am very sorry but I have my own thoughts. You can add clips, games, etc. They must be about Hell, Humans, and Halfbloods! If you like my stuff check out my other studio(yes it's called the "Wumbology Studio"). At this site address- http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/384882/ It just has a bunch of my random video games I make. Episode 7-In Progress Good news... I am currently working on episode 7. Be sure to follow the page! DON'T HAVE TO READ THIS PART! ONLY IF YOU WANT TO GIVE ME IDEAS ON CHANGING MY PROFILE PIC, WHICH WILL BECOME MY LOGO. I am also going to make my profile picture my logo. Unless any of you guys have any better ideas. I don't even know if I need a logo. I only had 300141 as my username because I got to this through school, and we had to use our usernames for school. Now, I want something cooler, but for now 300141 will have to do. I will be accepting ideas for a logo other than the Cameron face that I have(Honestly, I think it looks menacing). That is why in my previous episode Cameron's face was a really small smile. It looked better than the frowning teeth, plus it's easier to draw. Anyway, you can post your ideas, IN THE STUDIO COMMENTS, not in the episode comments. Also, I am not changing the picture for the studio, only my profile pic. I think the studio already looks nice.