Ask Insanity and Sanity
UTTXxX: *sleeping*
*loud crash*
UTTXxX: *wakes up and goes to investigate the noise. Grumbles one swear in Japanese*
UTTXxX: *throws money at Vivian than hisses and disappears*
Vivian: *grabs muffin and goes to school without telling anyone*
Vivian: *comes home beaten and bruised, they seem to be holding back tears.*
Sobyo: *is sitting on the couch, they get up and hug Vivian*
Vivian: *Bursts into tears*
Sobyo: *carries them over to the couch*
Vivian: *falls asleep on Sobyo*
Sobyo: *takes the homework from Vivian's bag and does it for her, she then places it back in her bag.*
UTTXxX: *shipping from a corner, and is writing a fanfiction about the two.*
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