Fantasy Life~RP and Chat
Hi! It's Skittles, back with another RP! This time, it's Fantasy Life! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: No Swearing or Inapropriate play. Romance is okay, but be careful, I can kick you out of the Studio. You must know about or have played Fantasy Life to be aple to Chat or Roleplay here. We want this to be a legit, fun but serious roleplay and chat Studio. Have Fun! You can come to Discuss your status in FL, or just talk! To join the Roleplay, you can make a comment bio or remix the bio project. You can be a custom character or a canon one. If you, say, want to be Fern in the RP, say it in the comments and I will check and see if anyone is playing that character. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Owner: @skittles_scratch7 . You MUST respect the owner. If you don't, you will be kicked out. (You get 2 Warnings.) Manager(s): You should respect managers. Managers will tell me the problem and I can come take care of it. Managers have powers of the Owner when I am not here, and trusted managers will always have these advantages. Curators: You might respect fellow Curators. If something goes on and not a manager nor the owner is here, tell a manager (perferralby in their profile comments) and they will tell me so I can come take care of it. I and the Managers will rank up only trusted Curators. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :3 Have FUN!!!


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