Scratch Jail
Welcome to Scratch Jail, located in Massachusetts, where many bad Scratchers have been arrested on suspicion of: .Abuse .Racism .Stealing sprites, sounds and other tools .Offending other Scatchers .Hackers .Others .Murder Please stay quiet in your cells as this will be a punishment, not a nice joke. Timetable: 6.00am-Wake up 6.30am-Get downstairs to the cafetiria for breakfast 7.00am-Get dressed in Scratch Prison Uniform 8.00am-Go downstairs to the guardsmen to get a daily job 11.30am-Gym and Tattoo parlour opens 12.00am-Lunch 1.00pm- Get your second job of the day 6.00pm- Tattoo palour and Gym close 9.00pm-Sleep! No sneaking out!


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