- RosePack Manager Applications -
Hello! Welcome to RosePack manager applications!
1. Explanation
2. Form
3. Link
1. Explanation(s)
RosePack a place sort of inspired by GWDFI, but not quite. You can roleplay, chat, and rant/vent, as long as it's PG-13. RosePack territory is in the woods, although has a couple clearings. Their main prey is elk and hares.
Managers report inappropriate or rude comments, delete projects or remove scratchers if they have three strikes. Strikes are marks that you get whenever you break a rule. When you get three strikes, you are banned. Managers basically keep the place from descending into chaos. Cw is ew. Every 3 days, the host changes. I get 5 days because I created RosePack. If a host refuses to continue the host shifts, I will start a new studio that is a complete replica, and the host that refused will be banned. Don't add anything weird to the desc or title, please. There is a maximum of 10 managers. If you are a manager, please inform me if you are leaving.
2. Form
Username || How long have you been in RosePack? || Do you have a reputation of any sort? || How long have you been on scratch? || How active are you on a scale of 1-10? || examples of some of your projects || cw || other
3. Main studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/35187958/
This studio has no projects yet.
Suggest projects you want to add in the comments!