Warrior Cats RP main studio
i’m bored out of my mind and haven’t created a new studio in a while. hopefully this becomes a success! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ feel free to advertise this rp or advertise in general ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rules: no cursing, no being rude, no killing unless you have consent, advertisement is allowed, have fun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ quantity: -1 leader per clan -1 deputy per clan -2 medicine cats max per clan -1 medicine apprentice per clan -unlimited warriors, queens, apprentices, and kits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clans: MoonClan https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33793597/ StreamClan https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33793605/ EmberClan https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33793599/ GreenClan https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33793602/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if your cat is an apprentice or kit or something and you think it is time for your cat to become a warrior or apprentice, please announce in your clan (and give warrior name if become warrior) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ form: name//status//clan//personality// appearance//gender


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