Warriors RP
Clans so far: - FieldClan lead by Galaxystar (@TheUltimateRouge) - ForestClan lead by SpruceStar (@Roto10 is sick with greencough!!!) - CavernClan lead by Talonstar (@Mr_Anonymous_Letter) - EarthClan lead by Mangostar (@Spidy_Frog) - BrindleClan lead by BrindleStar (@NotOhak) I guess this is kind of a role play, you could say that. - NO CUSSING (even shushy words like *rude word* up) - If you have to exclaim something, say Great Starclan, Crowfood, Mouse brain, Mouse dung, etc. - Keep kits & mates appropriate - don't bring your personal issues here; if you don't like a person playing here, don't be mean. (you'll ruin it for everybody) - Have fun - Gatherings can be held every end-of-month kind of day (25th - 30th) - naming ceremonies happen at this studio, unless there is extreme secrecy because of war or battle. - Try to have about 2-6 characters, and if you have one die you can have a new one when ready.