Welcome to the chaos of WelcomeToMyChaos

I hope you all are doing great!
This is a studio where you can request songs or just chat if you would like.
I would really appreciate it if you would give my studio a follow. Thanks!
[ You can call me unnie/noona if you like {Check my profile for more info about me}]
About Me! :https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/622701076/
[ I'm happy to give shout-outs :)
You may just leave a comment asking and I shall pick a person each week for a Weekly Shout-Out {Which'll be posted in a different studio} There are none yet cuz no one asked!]
-Kpop only
-No bullying, hurting, or torture/abusing each other in any way
-If you want to add projects the limit is 20 per week (unless you're me of course)
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My insta: nanakoo_bunny