Pokémon RolePlay Studio (Kinda finshed?)
...Hello there, traveler. What's your name? ... Oh, that's a nice name. It's pretty dangerous out, and you look a little shaken up. You might as well stay here a little while. ~~~ Welcome to Pokémon RolePlay Studio! Your Pokémon World counterpart was exploring the many forests of an unknown region, you have decided to name Shinpi. There are lots of powerful Pokémon here, and you could barely survive...You found a beautiful safe-looking area, and was greeted by a friendly ::::;::::. Now, it is the human you's choice on what to do next... Rules: -Follow the Scratch Rules, as always. -To join, make a comment listing you Pokémon-self's name, species, age + age group, gender, region of hatching (optional), backstory (optional), personality, items they currently have, and anything else you would like to add. -You may roleplay as Pokémon from the games or anime, e.g. Ash's Pikachu, Diantha's Gardevoir, etc.. -Roleplay in the designated area (will be added after a few people have joined) -One character per account. If you wish to have two characters, please make a second account and request to be the other character using that account. -While roleplaying, Use "this" to speak, <this> to describe an action and (this) to speak out of character (Example: "Can I have some pizza?" <Peter took some pizza despite not being given an answer> (mmm pizza)) -Don't do anything extreme suddenly. (Example: <Suddenly, Peter was kidnapped by the mighty Pokemon Giratina as he was eating the pizza! (:OOOOO)>) -No godmodding (unless you happen to be possessed by Yveltal or something) -Don't make anybodys other characters do ANYTHING. (Example: If you were Peter's roleplayer, you wouldn't be allowed to say <Emily gave the potion to Peter>.) -You don't have to start at the part earlier, you could join the roleplay in any way (You could even be living with the :::::;::::!) -Uhh, I dunno, any more rules? Roleplayers: --- Oh and the most important rule, HAVE FUN! (haha so cheesyyyyy) Havd You Read The Rules? If So, Enter The Passcodes: UNVIVIUN if your Pokemon's species was originally from KANTO TOVIVIUN if your Pokemon species was originally from JOHTO FEEAITIX if your Pokemon species was originally from HOENN VORNAINVEE - sinnoh IXVORNAIN EVENTOOUN SOOOS


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