+- The Multiverse Shop -+
_____ [introduction] v [0] - Hello, and welcome to the new and improved Multiverse Shop! [1] - In case you don't know what this is, this studio is a remake of a studio i made a while ago, about 6-7 months ago [2] - Here you can buy custom items with custom currencys! _____ [Currencys] v [1] - bobux [2] - multiverse points [3] - post appocolyptic credits [4] - space credits [5] - toilet paper [6] - doge coin [7] - admit 1 tickets [8] - frogcoin [9] - chocobars [10] - souls [11] - chungus bucks [12] - spiders [13] - faz coins [14] - emeralds [15] - coins [-] - currency suggestions closed _____ [rules] v [1] - dont ask for promotion, to be promoted you must have a high rank [2] - dont change desc, or name if you are promoted [3] - dont scam people [4] - scratch guidelines _____ [ranks] [+++] - Founder [++] - Co-Founder [+] OG - manager [***] - godly [**] - ebic [*] - cewl [-----] pro dealer [----] dealer [---] cool seller [--] seller [-] customer [0] - ranks are highest to least _____ [custom items] choco cake - @Jibanyan786 [*+] [cost : 5 emeralds and 2 coins] autopsy report - @tigergrrl [cost : 25 any] 12 bananas in a pair of pants - @IceDragonArts [15 toilet paper] lie detecting braclet - @tigergrrl [ 70 bobux, 10 emeralds : **+] kewl kids kit - @RedShadowJ [69 bobux : any] the thinker - @tigergrrl [5 any : any] light blade - @Jibanyan786 [80 emeralds, 100 coins, 30 choco **+] chiiren - @DejaVu05 [10 souls, discount habby place regulars 10%] sticky notes - @jellistar [10 bobux: any] rick roll kit - @IceDragonArts [30 bobux: any(?)] speed potion - @ellmil20 [45 bobux: any] defense badge - @tigergrrl [7: any] stone mask - @RedShadoeJ [your soul: any] you soul back - @selpy_demon [7 frog coins] copyright© - @IceDragonArts [3 bobux] [+] - suggest items by filling forms! _____ [custom item form] |username|item name|item price|item currency needed|limited to specific ranks?| _____ [people and their ranks] @Radexpedea [+++] [***] [-----] @tigergrrl [0] [*] [-----] @Jibanyan786 [0] [0] [---] @IceDragonArts [0] [0] [----] @RedShadowJ [0] [0] [---] @DejaVu05 [0] [0] [--] @Jellistar [0] [0] [--] @slepy_demon [0] [0] [--]


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