Sunsoak Stables - A Horse RP
Hii! I've decided to make a horse roleplay!! Sunsoak Stables is located in the hills of northern California. The pastures are found in a sunny field, and riding trails stretch up through the woods. Mustangs live, untamed, around the hills and in nearby areas. RULES -one human, one stable horse, and one wild horse per person!! -be nice! -if you play both a human and a horse, you CANNOT own your own horse! -every human can own ONE horse maximum! -you can breed, just keep it kid-friendly! SUNSOAK STABLES stable horses - Magic (@floating-lily) Swift (@mdogpighorse) stable people - Dollie, horse is Swift (@floating-lily) HERD OF STORMY SKIES leader - Flame (@Goosetrot100) stallions - Tiger (@floating-lily) mares - foals - Storm (@bookhorse) SIGN-UP FORM HUMAN name - gender - age - horse's name - looks - personality - username - other SIGN-UP FORM STABLE HORSE name - gender - age - owner's name - looks - personality - backstory (if any) - mate (if any) - foals (if any) - breed - username - other SIGN-UP FORM WILD HORSE name - gender - age - looks - personality - rank - backstory (if any) - mate (if any) - foals (if any) - breed (please choose between a kiger, quarter, paint, spanish, or mix) - username - other HOPE YOU ENJOY!!


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