Help needed for a game
I recently found a Spotify artist called Louie Zong. He made an album called 'Levels' and I am making a game based on the songs in it. Levels: DLC is another album but I am not including that in the first version of the game. Here are some notes: It will be a platformer. The main character is called Puji Apple who is a a red apple with arms, brown boots and a brown backpack. Refer to the album cover on Spotify. I will make the character. I will make the thumbnail. The game is called 'The legend of Puji Apple' as seen on the album cover. \\\\\\\\\\Stuff I need help with:////////// The levels are: Melody Meadow Sidewinder Sands Winter Melon Way Bongo Beach Tamari Temple The world is called Aurora kingdom and that is the world map too. Apple Village is where you start and can access: Frog Shop, where you buy stuff. Grapefruit Gym, where you level up Puji's abilities and make him better at stuff using minigames. Questionable minigames. The Lost Library, the level that leads to the Bass Boss. You can only access this after beating all levels. Each level can be made with a team or one person. Enemies and NPCs are up to your imagination. That's all I can think of rn.


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