The Prophecy of Power ~ RP
Yes, I know. Another RP. BACKSTORY: The war is in chaos. The tribes are no more, and a prophecy has lasted for years. "Beware the Hybrids that soon will hatch. The most powerful shall soon rule. Terror, Pain, and Suffering to ensue. Five dragons to rule, and only one to prevail. A dragonet born, the powers of all. Who ever to get; win the war." The five hybrids have immense power. They have all been fighting for countless years. Pantala was destroyed by them, and so the tribes were forced to move to Pyrrhia. RULES: You may have mates, but NO OTHER ROMANCE. They are basically just your life-long friend, keep that in mind. Try not to go too violent. And DO NOT put a lot of gore. No cursing Only I, @Soot-Ivy may accept bios. DO NOT RP UNLESS ACCEPTED BIOS: Name / Gender / Tribe( No Hybrids other than the PDs) / Appearance / Personality / Alliance ALLIANCES: Queen Starcrash (Night/Sea, Foresight, Waterbreathing, and Aquatic) : Starcrash: @NightLight02 Futurevision (@Flowersong18) Shadow (@xXBerry101Xx) Queen Shard (Rain/Ice, Frostbreath and Venom): Shard: @Irobot10 Riot Shield @kittenkat2134 Silver @Irobot10 Cyclone @TheWofGeek Cloudjumper @warriorcat2777 Blue @testaccount63026492 King Striker (Hive/Sand, Extreme Venom) : @Savanna_the_SandWing Sunshower @warriorcat2777 Queen Willow (Silk/Leaf, Firesilk and Leafspeak) : @1712057 Aloe @silvershadow4 Maple @kittenkat2134 King Inferno (Mud/ Sky, Flamescales and Invulnerable to Fire) : @Soot-Ivy Flame Fang @kittenkat2134 Curse (RainWing Animus that takes over from Inferno from time to time) @Soot-Ivy Eruption @Tarcane2020 Undecided: (Hybrid of all, Animus) Bliss: @Soot-Ivy Savanna @Savanna_the_SandWing Terra @silvershadow4 Heatwave @Falconstar05 Control's Alliance: Control @BlueWoF