never bully
so this studio is for you to support
*****no bullying****
-no cussing
-no changeing descript, title or pic unless it is for spelling or grammer correction
-and only no bullying projects pls
-and of course no bullying ;)
remix project below and share it on this studio and make it your featured project and make sure to tell your friends to remix it too and here is the link to the project you should remix
follow if you want bullying to end
and if you have any no bullying quotes you can type them in the chat and i will put them here
No Bullying quotes
A kid would tell their class their gay. 90% would start firing questions. 8% would walk away. 5% would start bullying them. Put this on ur profile if you are the 1% that is that person that would hug them. -pankake_queen\me(ichanged it up a bit)