Speak up stop littering start recycling group
Hey guys! so, i created this studio for all of the s.s.s. members! so if you don't know what s.s.s. stands for, it is in the title, speak up stop littering start recycling. Soooooo if you want to be manager, please tell us in the comments, but we can not have to many managers. If you are a manager, please do not remove anything unless it has nothing to do with saving the Earth or the s.s.s., do not remove anyone unless they cause trouble to this studio and were already warned about it, and do not invite anyone unless you know they are in the s.s.s. If you are not in the s.s.s. and you feel left out or offended by this, please tell me nicely and i will make a studio for everyone who wants to help save the earth and i will invite you to that studio. Also, if you are a manager of this studio, please do not change anything! if you are in this studio, plz follow it!