~Supercharged~ A Warriors Sign Up
Welcome! (Please read everything below) Also you roleplay in the other clan studios **************************************** Bio: Name - Gender - Ts: - Personality - Supercharged? - Siblings - Clan - Rank - Family **************************************** What Is A Supercharged? A Supercharged is someone who can control memories of another person with a certain song, they must find this song in the middle of Grand Forest but they must beware dangers awaken throughout the forest ****************************************Clans: StormClan: scratch.mit.edu/studios/26625302/ OceanClan: scratch.mit.edu/studios/26625592/ BreezeClan: scratch.mit.edu/studios/26625305/ ShadeClan: scratch.mit.edu/studios/26625493/ Dead Cats: Starclan: Darkforest: **************************************** Rogue/Loners: Spotlight (She) @sophasaur


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