The Dawn of Myths
Sorry if you didnt want an invite! Just decline :D Should we hold a Thumbnail contest? This is a collab with @houndwander, @Alexuthemia, and @-BubbleGumCandy- * PLZ READ EVERYTHING TO UNDERSTAND and don’t back down to any cheesy and cringy jokes I cracked there- * The Dawn of Myths Backstory: All of the Myths in the world were told and loved. The population started to die down becoming exotic due to a bloody disease. One by one, they all started to perish and remains were just ash. There was only few myths that managed to survive this purge, they were dragons. Only few dragons were capable of living so only few were alive. Another Generation came in making animals with all sorts of powers and combinations. There was a little cute fuzzy bunny that was part dragon for it’s tail. Oh gawd I’m off topic ANywAyS, Dragons making half animals to Half animals making a pure kind. Those pure kinds can obtain the power of Witchcraft and only them. Anyone outside of pure animals are banished for containing something so magical. Public: Every once in awhile there are meetings between the rulers ( Ruler of Exotic Dragons, Ruler of Half Animals and Rulers of Pure Kinds ) They were formal of course! Not swearing to death CouGh “YoU LiTTlE spHinx !” Although they each have something in common, they all worshipped the Myths. sO Ya’LL BetTeR ComE To AgREeMenT WiTh EaChoThER CuZ ThE MyThs ArE NoT HapPy! Meetings are often set in April * yes perfect combo with taxes * Dragons: They are myths and Myths in this world are Extinct, a holy miracle they are still alive, but since myths are... dead, there would only be few of them depending on how many people would participate here.Please be respectful if managers turn you down for dragons. Insults: Please use your manners, yoU PesKy BraTs. And I suggest to be creative with your words, Myths are Highly looked up to, so maybe you can use them too. ( Examples ) “Oh My Sphinx!” “The Heavens of Griffons!” ETC cuz I’m not that intelligent- Now I have done my job, the honors are yours Ms. Hound, ~ @Alexuthemia Howdy! I'm Alanna, and i welcome you to The Dawn of Myths rp! I hope you enjoy your stay here, but please read the rules! Rps are no fun if people font follow them - @houndwander / Alanna Rulez : - 1 character only please! - Be respectful to managers! - No OP characters! There are no fun to rp with - Keep it PG13! There are children on this website - Careful with Swears - Hate the Character not the person who role plays as them. Plz - Be descriptive with your bio! - Codeword is any Emoticons/Emojis that represent your character. C: - No humans they are either Dragons, Half Animals or Pure kinds. - If you are manager you could Accept & Add curators Bio Format: Name// Age // Star Sign // Gender // Sexuality // Personality// Looks // Accessories? // Likes // Dislikes // Spouses ( Family, Mate, Children, etc ) // Position ( For Pure Kinds ) // Type ( Dragons, Half, Pure kinds ) // If you wanna be a ruler of your kind ask permission and give out reasons why // Strengths // Weaknesses ( Power Weaknesses are highly recommended to add here ) // Other :D // Moto? // Theme song (optional) // Codeword ( and try to hide it lol ) Dragons: - @Daughter_of_Posiden8 - @ - @ - @ Half Animals: - @houndwander ( Alanna, Ruler ) - @Alexuthemia ( Maxwell ) - @mrsWolf0 ( Lupa ) - @ Pure kinds: Ranks- Healer: - @ - @ - @ - @ Witch / Wizards: - @ - @ - @ - @ Hunters: - @ - @ - @ - @ Thats about it! Thanks for checking out this rp!


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