Da ^-^ Elementary School RP! ^-^
Dis is inspired by @-cinnamonbunn-! You must ask meh what you want to be and I might make you it! :D Anyone can join! Sorry if you don't want to be in this! If not don't accept! You may RP if youz wantz! You can have the max of 1 character!! ALSO! If you are a manager, you are allowed to accept but in order to be one you must: Help out! RP/ Be active. (FRIEND ME ON ROBLOX Izzypigsgud!! JKJKJKJKJK) And at least be RPing for longer than a month! Close to being manager: @littlekitty_HI! (Good job!) Name/ Age/ Personality (Optional)/ Rank. Class pet bio: Name/ Animal/ Personality/ What grade you are in (Exapmle: 6TH Grade pet) Class Pet: @Liza_lovesbulldogs Principal: (Closed) @ArianaBigFan Assit. Principal: (Closed) @ILoveFoodMore Preschool Teach: (Closed) @FennecFoxRedPanda Kindergarten Teach: First Grade Teach: Second Grade Teach: Third Grade Teach: Fourth Grade Teach: Fifth Grade Teach: (Closed) @WildCatCaramel Sixth Grade Teach: @littlekitty_HI 6th Graders: @TiRoar @littlekitty_HI 5th Graders: @Ixxyz_CutePiglets @DerpDude41 @DrIpPy-moChi @FennecRedPanda 4th Graders: @billnyeda 3rd: Graders: 2nd: Graders: @SpottedLeafCaramel @thebluenemace 1st Graders: Kindergartners: Preschoolers: