Click the green flag to play the game.

You'll need a webcam (click 'Allow').

Now try remixing the game using the tips below. (To see how others have remixed it, visit the Soccer Studio.)

Change the Ball

Click the Costumes tab.

Choose the ball you want to use.

You can use the paint tools to change color:

Speed Up the Ball

Click the Scripts tab.

To make the ball go faster, type a bigger number into the move block:

Add a Ball

Try adding another ball to double the fun.

Click the Duplicate tool, then click on the ball.

Change Color Effect

Make the ball change color each time you hit it.

Click the Scripts tab.

Drag out a change color block, and add it into the script, like this:

Add Interactive Elements

In the Sprites list, select the Water Bottle.

Click the Scripts tab.

Then build this script, like this:

Now, click the water bottle (on the Stage) to see what happens.

Experiment by adding other blocks and effects.

Celebration Time!

Celebrate when the score reaches 5 points. In the Sprites list, select the Balloon.

Add a script like this:

You can change the numbers and add other effects.

Save Your Project

Click the Remix button (near the top of the screen) to save your version of the project. (You'll need to join Scratch or sign in.)

See the Soccer Studio for more ideas and to add your project: