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68 posts

Forum Security Change!!

Suggestion completely explained here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22454157/

Any supporters? (Please read full post first!)

Sorry if it's hard to read. xP

=== Moderator Note:
The above link intentionally misdirects the user to a Google search link to illustrate that such a trick is possible. The author is advocating for a warning from Scratch when a link leads to a domain not controlled by Scratch.

Last edited by Paddle2See (Nov. 7, 2024 10:06:17)

86 posts

Forum Security Change!!

0-0 Wow… Just wow… I support!
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Yoda3D wrote:

0-0 Wow… Just wow… I support!


Hopefully this will get implemented soon…
500+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

So much support!
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!


I support
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Zro716 wrote:

pls follow me click link http://scratch.mit.edu/users/Zro716

1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

This is a link to cubeupload.com. Trust me.

Last edited by TheHockeyist (Jan. 13, 2015 00:41:59)

1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

This is why I think that DIRECT links in forums to other sites should be removed. abcdefgwwwgggg I think that there should at least be a popup saying that you are leaving Scratch to another site and that Scratch is not responsible for the safety of the linked-to site. Although forumers are usually not out to get other kids with their virus sites, I have seen many links that were completely unsafe which have been linked to due to either ignorance or carelessness in the past. It is especially hard to tell when somebody uses your text here along with project and makes it seem like you are being redirected to a project. Anyway, supporters?

^post for those who want to read it easily
500+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

I support this, if I'm reading it correctly
86 posts

Forum Security Change!!

Yea, http://scratch.mit.edu/ Just look at the wonders of the home page…

Last edited by Yoda3D (Jan. 19, 2015 14:32:07)

1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

@Firedrake969 Thanks, you can remove the abcdefwwwgggg think though.


Please stop demonstrating this with random links. I know that mine's safe, as it goes to google, but I have not a clue about all of those shortened ones and I do not intend to find out.

@Zro716 lol.
100+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Support x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Deerleg wrote:


zorket wrote:

I support this, if I'm reading it correctly

lcftf wrote:

Support x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

ChocolatePi wrote:


I support


Also thanks to the supporters who put links in their posts…

I won't quote them though.

Last edited by Scratchifier (Jan. 13, 2015 01:45:07)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Scratchified_Extras wrote:

Suggestion completely explained here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22454157/

Any supporters? (Please read full post first!)

Sorry if it's hard to read. xP
We usually consider deceptive links like that to be a violation of the “Be Honest” part of the Community Guidelines. Particularly when there is no warning….

However, I am not opposed to the suggestion. Some kind of “you are now leaving the wonderful land of Scratch” warning would be a useful thing
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Paddle2See wrote:

Scratchified_Extras wrote:

Suggestion completely explained here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/22454157/

Any supporters? (Please read full post first!)

Sorry if it's hard to read. xP
We usually consider deceptive links like that to be a violation of the “Be Honest” part of the Community Guidelines. Particularly when there is no warning….

However, I am not opposed to the suggestion. Some kind of “you are now leaving the wonderful land of Scratch” warning would be a useful thing

Ah, okay. I figured that something like that is the case but I wasn't sure. That link was more to illustrate a different point, for example when people do something like:

Help With Scripts

Is this what you're talking about? (And then it ends up to be a virus site - my link leads to box opener - but I think you get the point).

Which I have seen, although rarely, it does happen. And then there are a ton of “iffy” sites that are linked to.

So yeah, is this something we could expect in a (somwhat soon) future update?
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Scratchifier wrote:

So yeah, is this something we could expect in a (somwhat soon) future update?
I can't answer that - I don't set the work lists for the developers

We came close to doing this exact thing a couple of years back - to the point where we actually designed the graphic that would pop up to show that you were leaving Scratch. I wish I could remember why it never went any further - maybe it was just a question of priorities. Probably it got pushed aside to get 2.0 out. Maybe its time has come at last?

Last edited by Paddle2See (Jan. 13, 2015 02:51:21)

1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Paddle2See wrote:

Scratchifier wrote:

So yeah, is this something we could expect in a (somwhat soon) future update?
I can't answer that - I don't set the work lists for the developers

We came close to doing this exact thing a couple of years back - to the point where we actually designed the graphic that would pop up to show that you were leaving Scratch. I wish I could remember why it never went any further - maybe it was just a question of priorities. Probably it got pushed aside to get 2.0 out. Maybe its time has come at last?

Hopefully! It looks like a ton of people would like it.

If the graphic that was designed was a 1.4 graphic, I'd happily design a professional look for a box like that, if wanted.

Last edited by Scratchifier (Jan. 13, 2015 02:55:03)

1000+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

Paddle2See wrote:

Lol - that's awesome.

I would prefer just a js popup though with:

“Warning: you are leaving Scratch and going to (actual site link goes to)”
500+ posts

Forum Security Change!!

I don't like the pop-ups when leaving the site. It means I have to click two links rather than one, and I think of the ad-page Wikia one. While it's a good idea in general, maybe a setting to turn it off?

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