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12 posts

Question about TOS compliance

I'm currently working on a project that has a very long list of credits. I made a google doc and shared it with “anyone with the link can access”. Then, because the link is super long, I put it through a shorturl and dropped it into my projects' notes and credits. Now the “Bad word detector” seems to be detecting a “Bad word” in my url. From what I previously read on the TOS, it was ok to put links to external sites in your project, but their content had to be compliant with the rest of TOS. Thank you, Aether

P.S. If a Scratch team member sees this, can you confirm that it is compliant and somehow verify my project? Thanks.

Project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1115524141/
1000+ posts

Question about TOS compliance

Linking to Google Docs is not allowed due to the fact that documents can have comments which are a form of unmoderated chat, and it's not really possible for the Scratch Team to check each linked document individually. URL shorteners are also not allowed since they can be used to hide links to sites that violate the Community Guidelines.
12 posts

Question about TOS compliance

jvvg wrote:

Linking to Google Docs is not allowed due to the fact that documents can have comments which are a form of unmoderated chat, and it's not really possible for the Scratch Team to check each linked document individually. URL shorteners are also not allowed since they can be used to hide links to sites that violate the Community Guidelines.

Thank you! Is there any way, even if I use the unshortened url, to make it work? I have it on viewer, rather than commenter, so that feature doesn't work, and everyone is anonymous.
1000+ posts

Question about TOS compliance

Aether0YT wrote:

Thank you! Is there any way, even if I use the unshortened url, to make it work? I have it on viewer, rather than commenter, so that feature doesn't work, and everyone is anonymous.
No. Linking to Google Docs isn't allowed at all (and I am pretty sure the filter blocks links to it) since the Scratch Team does not have the resources to check every individual link posted.
12 posts

Question about TOS compliance

Ok I guess I just have to make a REALLLY long notes and credits
100+ posts

Question about TOS compliance

Linking to Google Docs is not allowed (due to private messaging being possible through them), and neither are shortened URLs (because they could easily link to a malicious website).

Aether0YT wrote:

Ok I guess I just have to make a REALLLY long notes and credits
If you don't have enough room in the Notes and Credits section, I would recommend putting the credits inside the project.
1000+ posts

Question about TOS compliance

--ORI0N-- wrote:

Linking to Google Docs is not allowed (due to private messaging being possible through them), and neither are shortened URLs (because they could easily link to a malicious website).

Aether0YT wrote:

Ok I guess I just have to make a REALLLY long notes and credits
If you don't have enough room in the Notes and Credits section, I would recommend putting the credits inside the project.
Although you should probably put the credits for the largest things inside the Notes & Credits, and don't make the credits only viewable after you've completed something in the project (watched an animation, completed a game). Just make a button to view them.

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