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- jayadityag
10 posts
Search not loading properly
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Dear whoever's reading this,
when I try to search something, it doesn't load any projects or studios. I don't know why, but it worked on other devices. Could you please fix this bug, Scratch Team?
Dear whoever's reading this,
when I try to search something, it doesn't load any projects or studios. I don't know why, but it worked on other devices. Could you please fix this bug, Scratch Team?
Last edited by jayadityag (Dec. 11, 2024 03:47:51)
- ReinoScreech
500+ posts
Search not loading properly
You're not alone, the search feature has been undergoing some issues lately. It's unknown when a fix will be made but it should hopefully be working again soon.
- jayadityag
10 posts
Search not loading properly
I had just posted this. Thanks for responding so quickly!
- Carlos996904
14 posts
Search not loading properly
I only had like the search button working like only a day but the reason is still unknown to me but i have a idea but it might be a bit tiny useful how about a studio like a search button share with all and get projects since there is no projects there is still no way to use them but if someone sees this it might be useful but i dont wanna advertise so here is the studio i have : https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/36022664/ if a person is trying to find a project then im sorry but i will struggle to find projects and i might be a search button should i do it?
- jayadityag
10 posts
Search not loading properly
Same thing happened to the “All” category on the explore page.
- Carlos996904
14 posts
Search not loading properly
I guess it might work until the search button its back and again gets cancelled until

when green flag clicked
say [uh i think its the search button has shut down time to open it again] for (2) secs

- Carlos996904
14 posts
Search not loading properly
what it works on ipad? huh i dont know how but if thats true then idk whats the reason if you have a pc or something similat to that press f12 but i realised something there is a bug it says: noscript huh it might be on to something the 1st one it says: googletagmanager nothing wrong 2nd uh java disabled ??? what how did i never realised this before im just gonna ask one question ¿is it causing it because it isn't working?
- Carlos996904
14 posts
Search not loading properly
when I receive [ Search unlocked]
switch costume to [ disable studio]
play sound [ ok] until done
play sound [ no]
Last edited by Carlos996904 (Dec. 13, 2024 04:23:30)
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» Search not loading properly