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- peakedpinnacles
35 posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Hello, could you review this 

array one two three as details
out Create your new shop now: Manage orders, calculate prices and more!
ask Shop name (Input): as shopname
out {shopname} will be very succesful!
ask Do you have an order? (Y) or (N): as order
if {order} = Y
ask What is detail one? (Input): as detailone
replace 1 of details as {detailone}
out Saved!
ask What is detail two? (Input): as detailtwo
replace 2 of details as {detailtwo}
out Saved!
ask What is detail three? (Input): as detailthree
replace 3 of details as {detailthree}
out Saved!
ask Calculate price? (Y) or (N): as calculate
if {calculate} = Y
ask What is the price for detail one? (Input): as firstprice
out Saved!
ask What is the price for detail two? (Input): as secondprice
out Saved!
ask What is the price for detail three? (Input): as thirdprice
out Saved!
add {firstprice} {secondprice} as a
add {a} {thirdprice} as finalprice
out The total is ${finalprice}
out {shopname}
out Thanks for coming!
out Services offered:
out {detailone} - {firstprice}
out {detailtwo} - {secondprice}
out {detailthree} - {thirdprice}
out Total:
out ${finalprice}
- BigNate469
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
I got the following error when I ran the code: Hello, could you review thissnip of long code
Error: Undefined variable: detailone
This comes from you setting the “details” as detailone, detailtwo, and detailthree in one place, but in another you set them to firstprice, secondprice, and thirdprice and your code doesn't check if any of those variables are null or undefined before trying to output.
Last edited by BigNate469 (Sept. 24, 2024 01:01:33)
- catfaceQWERTY
2 posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
I still don't know how to use this 

- endyourenite
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Read document I still don't know how to use this
- endyourenite
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
2024 Contest Results (Tie?)Wait…. Would all the entries be ranked? Theres only 5…
5 projects have been rated by Breakfast & Coffee
davidtheplatform created an awesome brainf interpreter
50_scratch_tabs created an awesome tic tac toe game
I honestly cannot decide which project takes the crown, the brainf interpreter had so much effort put into it and it works flawlessly, while the tic tac toe game is really well made - a visual game without a canvas, simply using text. (they had to create a parser for the board that figures out what goes where)
Although the brainf interpreter probably actually took a lot longer and I think is the first working interpreter of a real programming language in Obscure. It's really impressive
I'll think about it, and I'll post the results tomorrow.
- i_eat_coffee
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
what should the obscure file extension be?
- i_eat_coffee
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
WINNER: Brainf interpreter by @davidtheplatform
Everyone will receive a participation certificate.
Thanks to everyone else who participated. Comment on my profile to receive your award.
(Edit: comment on my profile to receive your participation certificate also)
Everyone will receive a participation certificate.
Thanks to everyone else who participated. Comment on my profile to receive your award.
(Edit: comment on my profile to receive your participation certificate also)
Last edited by i_eat_coffee (Sept. 24, 2024 16:57:54)
- ajskateboarder
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Wayy too long, something like .ob or .obs would be good what should the obscure file extension be?

- i_eat_coffee
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
already existsWayy too long, something like .ob or .obs would be good what should the obscure file extension be?

- endyourenite
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
.obsp?already existsWayy too long, something like .ob or .obs would be good what should the obscure file extension be?
- 8to16
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
.ocr.obsp?already existsWayy too long, something like .ob or .obs would be good what should the obscure file extension be?
- breakfast_for_dinner
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
……?? .ocr
- i_eat_coffee
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
obscure i think……?? .ocr
- Catzcute4
500+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
.obsc.ocr.obsp?already existsWayy too long, something like .ob or .obs would be good what should the obscure file extension be?
- i_eat_coffee
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
^ why shouldn't there just be two file types, .obs and .cure and you have to upload both of them to load a project
- breakfast_for_dinner
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
(#317)what's in both files
^ why shouldn't there just be two file types, .obs and .cure and you have to upload both of them to load a project
- BigNate469
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Or just ignore file extension and go by MIME type (application/obscure, text/plain) ^ why shouldn't there just be two file types, .obs and .cure and you have to upload both of them to load a project
Last edited by BigNate469 (Sept. 24, 2024 21:08:13)
- 50_scratch_tabs
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
(#309)File extensions aren't limited-one of Scratch's file types is .sprite3
Wayy too long, something like .ob or .obs would be good
- starlightsparker
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
obscure i think.obsc makes more sense.
Monarch of the page.
Last edited by starlightsparker (Sept. 24, 2024 22:19:22)