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- » Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
- endyourenite
- Scratcher
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
This is pretty cool. My submission to the contest: A BrainF interpreter!
It supports all of BF, including input*, neverending/interacive programs, and performance counters.
It's really slow, running at about 1500 cycles/second.
Here's the code:# BF interpreter
# (c) 2024 davidtheplatform
out Initializing...
date timestamp as init_time
delay 0.1
array > > ⠀ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ® ¯ ° ± ² ³ ´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º » ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ü ý þ as characters
set bracket_level to 0
function jump_open
set current_letter to {letter ip:program}
set jump_stop to 0
set bracket_level to 0
while {jump_stop} = 0
if {current_letter} = ]
add {bracket_level} 1 as bracket_level
if {current_letter} = [
add {bracket_level} -1 as bracket_level
add {ip} -1 as ip
set current_letter to {letter ip:program}
if {bracket_level} = 0
set jump_stop to 1
add {ip} 1 as ip
function jump_close
set current_letter to {letter ip:program}
set jump_stop to 0
set bracket_level to 0
while {jump_stop} = 0
if {current_letter} = [
add {bracket_level} 1 as bracket_level
if {current_letter} = ]
add {bracket_level} -1 as bracket_level
add {ip} 1 as ip
set current_letter to {letter ip:program}
if {bracket_level} = 0
set jump_stop to 1
add {ip} -1 as ip
function input_to_ascii
set c to 1
while {c} < 256
if {characters:c} = {input}
replace {dp} of memory as {c}
set c to 256
add {c} 1 as c
function print_memory
outl [
set count to 0
while {count} < {length:memory}
add {count} 1 as count
outl {memory:count},
out ]
# data pointer
set dp to 1
# instruction pointer
set ip to 1
# initialize memory
array 0 as memory
set counter to 0
while {counter} < 29999
push memory 0
add {counter} 1 as counter
date timestamp as init_end_time
# get program
ask Enter Program as program
# add a character to the end because of a bug
set program to {program}~
set cycles to 0
set program_ended to 0
date timestamp as start_time
while {program_ended} = 0
set instruction to {letter ip:program}
add {cycles} 1 as cycles
# out ({cycles}) {ip}: {instruction}
if {instruction} = +
set temp to {memory:dp}
add {temp} 1 as temp
replace {dp} of memory as {temp}
if {memory:dp} = 256
replace {dp} of memory as 0
if {instruction} = -
set temp to {memory:dp}
add {temp} -1 as temp
replace {dp} of memory as {temp}
if {memory:dp} = -1
replace {dp} of memory as 255
if {instruction} = <
add {dp} -1 as dp
if {instruction} = >
add {dp} 1 as dp
if {instruction} = [
if {memory:dp} = 0
call jump_close
if {instruction} = ]
if {memory:dp} != 0
call jump_open
if {instruction} = .
set char to {memory:dp}
set is_10 to 0
set is_13 to 0
if {char} != 10
set is_10 to 1
if {char} != 13
set is_13 to 1
multiply {is_10} {is_13} as not_10_13
if {not_10_13} = 0
out ⠀
if {not_10_13} = 1
outl {characters:char}
# add a delay so the text shows up
delay 0.01
if {instruction} = ,
ask Program wants input (a single char = that char, anything else = EOF, blank input will cause a crash) as input
call input_to_ascii
# add a small delay every once in a while to keep the page from crashing
modulus {cycles} 1000 as should_delay
if {should_delay} = 0
delay 0.01
# debugging
if {instruction} = #
out --- Debug ---
call print_memory
out dp: {dp}
out ip: {ip}
out -------------
add {ip} 1 as ip
if {ip} = {length:program}
set program_ended to 1
date timestamp as end_time
subtract {init_end_time} {init_time} as init_duration
subtract {end_time} {start_time} as run_duration
divide {cycles} {run_duration} as cycles_per_ms
multiply {cycles_per_ms} 1000 as cycles_per_s
out ⠀
out ⠀
out Program finished in {run_duration}ms; {cycles} cycles; {cycles_per_s} cycles per second; init time {init_duration}ms
If you don't know what BF is, its an esoteric language designed to be as simple as possible. “BF” is an abbreviation of a word not allowed on scratch. There are only 8 instructions:> Increment the data pointer by one (to point to the next cell to the right).
< Decrement the data pointer by one (to point to the next cell to the left).
+ Increment the byte at the data pointer by one.
- Decrement the byte at the data pointer by one.
. Output the byte at the data pointer.
, Accept one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the data pointer.
[ If the byte at the data pointer is zero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it forward to the command after the matching ] command.
] If the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it back to the command after the matching [ command.
Here's some example programs:
Hello worldPowers of two++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.Sierpinski triangle (slow - takes around 15 minutes to finish)>++++++++++>>+<+[[+++++[>++++++++<-]>.<++++++[>--------<-]+<<]>.>[->[<++>-[<++>-[<++>-[<++>-[<-------->>[-]++<-[<++>-]]]]]]<[>+<-]+>>]<<]A quine (also slow - I don't know if it actually works)++++++++[>+>++++<<-]>++>>+<[-[>>+<<-]+>>]>+[-<<<[->[+[-]+>++>>>-<<]<[<]>>++++++[<<+++++>>-]+<<++.[-]<<]>.>+[>>]>+]Another quine (this one works)->++>+++>+>+>+++>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+>+>++>+++>++>>+++>+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+[<]<-]>+[>]<+<+++[<]<+]>+[>]++++>++[[<++++++++++++++++>-]<+++++++++.<]Fibonacci sequence>+++++>+++>+++>+++++>+++>+++>+++++>++++++>+>++>+++>++++>++++>+++>+++>+++++>+>+
*input is kind of weird right now, I plan on making it better soon
- endyourenite
- Scratcher
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Can you add an ‘or’ condition? I was once try to create an or if statement but it didn't work.
- ThisIsTemp1
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Can you add a stop this script or stop this program. Like the exit function on python
Last edited by ThisIsTemp1 (Sept. 8, 2024 20:42:49)
- BigNate469
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
When I try to run Sample Project 2:
Similar error code when trying to run Sample Project 1:
I think this is because they both use the old “set name as value” syntax for variable declaration. In both cases just changing “as” to “to” fixed the problem.
Error: Invalid variable assignment: set bottles as 99
Similar error code when trying to run Sample Project 1:
Error: Invalid variable assignment: set nth as first
I think this is because they both use the old “set name as value” syntax for variable declaration. In both cases just changing “as” to “to” fixed the problem.
Last edited by BigNate469 (Sept. 8, 2024 20:48:57)
- i_eat_coffee
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
the sample projects have been updated, it just seems like they were saved in your browser before i updated the variable syntax When I try to run Sample Project 2:Error: Invalid variable assignment: set bottles as 99
Similar error code when trying to run Sample Project 1:Error: Invalid variable assignment: set nth as first
I think this is because they both use the old “set name as value” syntax for variable declaration. In both cases just changing “as” to “to” fixed the problem.
- 50_scratch_tabs
- Scratcher
500+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
(#239)DARN IT DARN IT DARN IT you beat me to it. I was going to make BF in Obscure, not for the contest, but I wanted to be the first. I had this glitch where it said I was missing 3 ends, even though I and ChatGPT checked multiple times. Did you run into this? What was your solution?
My submission to the contest: A BrainF interpreter!
- davidtheplatform
- Scratcher
500+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Can you put the offending code here? ChatGPT probably can't help because of how new obscure is, and how little code exists for it.(#239)DARN IT DARN IT DARN IT you beat me to it. I was going to make BF in Obscure, not for the contest, but I wanted to be the first. I had this glitch where it said I was missing 3 ends, even though I and ChatGPT checked multiple times. Did you run into this? What was your solution?
My submission to the contest: A BrainF interpreter!
- 50_scratch_tabs
- Scratcher
500+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
(#250)Really sorry, it's on my computer, I am on my phone now. I will put it here ASAP.
Can you put the offending code here?
Also I'm pretty sure that ChatGPT at least understood that ifs and whiles need matching ends.
Last edited by 50_scratch_tabs (Sept. 8, 2024 21:31:59)
- i_eat_coffee
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
I shall make a GPT that understands Obscure code
- mybearworld
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
(#252)Or improve the docs and feed that to ChatGPT
I shall make a GPT that understands Obscure code
- endyourenite
- Scratcher
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Remixed: (C2A)I wrote this code for the contest. It is completely valid but it stops for no reason after the first question due to a bug. Please fix!clear
delay 0.1
ask Press enter to play! (make sure you can see output) as output
set score to 0
set q to What is the capital of France?
set a to Paris
set b to London
set c to Rome
set d to Berlin
set answer to a
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
set a to William Shakespeare
set b to Charles Dickens
set c to Mark Twain
set d to Jane Austen
set answer to a
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the largest planet in our solar system?
set a to Earth
set b to Mars
set c to Jupiter
set d to Saturn
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Which element has the chemical symbol 'O'?
set a to Gold
set b to Oxygen
set c to Silver
set d to Hydrogen
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the smallest prime number?
set a to 1
set b to 2
set c to 3
set d to 5
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Who painted the Mona Lisa?
set a to Vincent van Gogh
set b to Pablo Picasso
set c to Leonardo da Vinci
set d to Claude Monet
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the capital city of Japan?
set a to Beijing
set b to Seoul
set c to Tokyo
set d to Bangkok
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the chemical formula for water?
set a to CO2
set b to H2O
set c to NaCl
set d to O2
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
set a to Venus
set b to Mars
set c to Mercury
set d to Neptune
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the largest ocean on Earth?
set a to Atlantic Ocean
set b to Indian Ocean
set c to Arctic Ocean
set d to Pacific Ocean
set answer to d
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out You finished with a score of {score}/10
It's not a bug, you simply forgot to put “end” after every if statement…
I fixed it for you:clear
delay 0.1
ask Press enter to play! (make sure you can see output) as output
set score to 0
set q to What is the capital of France?
set a to Paris
set b to London
set c to Rome
set d to Berlin
set answer to a
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
set a to William Shakespeare
set b to Charles Dickens
set c to Mark Twain
set d to Jane Austen
set answer to a
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the largest planet in our solar system?
set a to Earth
set b to Mars
set c to Jupiter
set d to Saturn
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Which element has the chemical symbol 'O'?
set a to Gold
set b to Oxygen
set c to Silver
set d to Hydrogen
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the smallest prime number?
set a to 1
set b to 2
set c to 3
set d to 5
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Who painted the Mona Lisa?
set a to Vincent van Gogh
set b to Pablo Picasso
set c to Leonardo da Vinci
set d to Claude Monet
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the capital city of Japan?
set a to Beijing
set b to Seoul
set c to Tokyo
set d to Bangkok
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the chemical formula for water?
set a to CO2
set b to H2O
set c to NaCl
set d to O2
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
set a to Venus
set b to Mars
set c to Mercury
set d to Neptune
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
set q to What is the largest ocean on Earth?
set a to Atlantic Ocean
set b to Indian Ocean
set c to Arctic Ocean
set d to Pacific Ocean
set answer to d
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out You finished with a score of {score}/10
out ===
out ===
out ===
delay 0.1
ask Press enter to play! (make sure you can see output) as output
set score to 0
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to What is the capital of France?
set a to Paris
set b to London
set c to Rome
set d to Berlin
set answer to a
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
set a to William Shakespeare
set b to Charles Dickens
set c to Mark Twain
set d to Jane Austen
set answer to a
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to What is the largest planet in our solar system?
set a to Earth
set b to Mars
set c to Jupiter
set d to Saturn
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to Which element has the chemical symbol 'O'?
set a to Gold
set b to Oxygen
set c to Silver
set d to Hydrogen
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to What is the smallest prime number?
set a to 1
set b to 2
set c to 3
set d to 5
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to Who painted the Mona Lisa?
set a to Vincent van Gogh
set b to Pablo Picasso
set c to Leonardo da Vinci
set d to Claude Monet
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to What is the capital city of Japan?
set a to Beijing
set b to Seoul
set c to Tokyo
set d to Bangkok
set answer to c
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to What is the chemical formula for water?
set a to CO2
set b to H2O
set c to NaCl
set d to O2
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
set a to Venus
set b to Mars
set c to Mercury
set d to Neptune
set answer to b
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
set q to What is the largest ocean on Earth?
set a to Atlantic Ocean
set b to Indian Ocean
set c to Arctic Ocean
set d to Pacific Ocean
set answer to d
out {q}
out a) {a}
out b) {b}
out c) {c}
out d) {d}
delay 0.1
ask answer? (a/b/c/d) as input
delay 0.1
if {input} = {answer}
add {score} 1 as score
out Correct! Score: {score}
if {input} != {answer}
out Incorrect! Score: {score}
delay 2
out ===
out ===
out ===
out You finished with a score of {score}/10
Last edited by endyourenite (Sept. 9, 2024 19:04:15)
- ajskateboarder
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Uhh what's with the inconsistency here:
set a to 5
date year as currentYear
array a b c d as alphabet
- blubby4
- Scratcher
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
It was originally supposed to be Uhh what's with the inconsistency here:set a to 5date year as currentYear
array a b c d as alphabet
set <value> as <variable>
set <variable> as <value>
set <variable> to <value>
- mybearworld
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
(#256)Was there something wrong with fixing it to be just this?
It was originally supposed to be [code]set <value> as <variable>[/code] but it behaved like [code]set <variable> as <value>[/code] so it was changed to [code]set <variable> to <value>[/code]
set <value> as <variable>
Last edited by mybearworld (Sept. 10, 2024 04:32:54)
- breakfast_for_dinner
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
as a judge who is judging these entries along with coffee, i just wanna say that this is NOT gonna be easy….
- i_eat_coffee
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
tbh they are quite some interesting projects, never thought we'd achieve so many great stuff in such an obscure programming language as a judge who is judging these entries along with coffee, i just wanna say that this is NOT gonna be easy….
- DifferentDance8
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Currently working on porting Obscure to Python!
EDIT: I have decided to give up on porting it to Python, and instead decided to use Node.JS
EDIT: I have decided to give up on porting it to Python, and instead decided to use Node.JS
Last edited by DifferentDance8 (Sept. 10, 2024 08:10:26)
- i_eat_coffee
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Obscure was originally written in Node.js lol, then it turned into a static website Currently working on porting Obscure to Python!
EDIT: I have decided to give up on porting it to Python, and instead decided to use Node.JS
- endyourenite
- Scratcher
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
you should rather create a topic in the new scratchers forum instead of posting hi, that way, this topic does not derail. hi
- endyourenite
- Scratcher
100+ posts
Obscure - The brand-new, Turing-Complete, easy to use programming language
Wait who are the judges?