Discuss Scratch

17 posts

anyone and anything, welcome! /I'm looking at YOU punk./

Anyone and anything is welcome here! Alright anyway, I have been working on an RPG (role-playing game.) project for… what is it now- 4- no 5 Months! Its going sort of splendidly, even though I don't have a team. I've been getting coding advice from @Painincode anywho- BUT ANYWAY. I need literally everything and everyone. Can you cook delicious stuff (or stuff to snort /iykyk)? In! Can you draw! In! CAN YOU BE A MORAL SUPPORT OFFICER?!?!?!??!??! in! but yeas, any and ALL talents are required. the full list of open jobs is here https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1047686961/ . Even if the only thing you want to do is write the dialogue for the cocky serial killer.

Last edited by ImHereForKromerAgain (July 18, 2024 21:01:48)

Hoooiii, I'm a big undertale fan and love to make music and art! There isn't anything very special about me, but I will say that I'm a GWFDIer.
Thanks dudes! <3

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