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Scratch festival of Indian Rural Students...


We are Guruji Education Foundation. We work on providing holistic education to underprivileged students.

One of our projects is Amit Khare Training for Indian Villages (AKTIV). Under that, we have introduced scratch in 37 schools / community centers across India.

We plan Scratch festival twice in a year - at the start of each semester.

We have announced one a few weeks back (June 1st week). It will have Project, Hackathon, Debate and Quiz. It will culminate in the Scratch Day on 9 Aug 2024 on zoom. Wherein we will announce winners, show case projects and have a speech by an illustrated speaker.

We require judges to evaluate projects and hackathons. We will send .sb3 files for projects on around 25 Jul and for hackathon on around 31 Jul.

If anyone can find time for this activity, please do let me know.

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