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- jmdzti_0-0
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Sisplau, elabora't; En compte de posar temes amb títols i informació que poden confondre, expressa les teves idees amb oracions que es puguin entendre.
Gràcies per ta comprensió!
Gràcies per ta comprensió!
Cubeupload is working 0/10
Highlight+shift+down to see more of my signature─ BREAKING NEWS
The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.
NOW THEY EAT YOUR «MY STUFF» AND OTHER 2.0 UI PAGES! triple click for more info. /j I just wanted to make fun of the bug. ngl would be funny to see people put this on their signatures. please fix this
Creator of The music finders shop, where you can get your favorite songs, without having to download from pesky websites!
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