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1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

There could be inappropriate things on there, and this was why it was originally removed in the first place! I propose that it be gone and never come back!

Last edited by TheHockeyist (Dec. 26, 2014 01:58:54)

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

TheHockeyist wrote:

There could be inappropriate things on there, and this was why it was originally removed in the first place! I propose that it be gone and never come back!

How do you suppose newer Scratchers will ever be welcomed to the site again? Besides, inappropriate things could be anywhere on Scratch. IMO some inappropriate things on Scratch are still scattered about and never to be removed because I have very high standards for what is appropriate, slightly higher than what is allowed. So there are still some things on the site that I think inappropriate and the Scratch Team does not.

There is no way that by removing any feature you will completely satisfy those who want to live in a bubble-wrap world where nothing is inappropriate or wrong (me) and those who think that mild swears and stuff are appropriate (not me). xP

Sorry, no support. -Superdoggy
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

TheHockeyist wrote:

There could be inappropriate things on there, and this was why it was originally removed in the first place! I propose that it be gone and never come back!
No support, it's a way people can discover projects.
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

People can discover projects that are inappropriate for Scratch.
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

Support, I hardly see anything good on there anyway… I find about 10x more awesome stuff through my “The Studio Of Good Stuff You Want To See”. Best way to find awesome projects is to setup a way for them to come to you.
100+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

Partial support...
Problem is, 99% of “recently shared” projects are complete crud to put it bluntly.
It's not their fault, as people's first projects obviously won't be anything spectacular, but still, most of them don't deserve the front page.

But yeah, it does provide a chance for lesser known projects to be viewed, which is fair to everyone.
Maybe there could be a restriction of at least 10 views before it gets admitted to the section? That way, there'll be a higher chance for it to be reported.
100+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

No support

Using MSU

Last edited by krett12 (Dec. 26, 2014 03:29:10)

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

GCGCGC wrote:

Partial support...
Problem is, 99% of “recently shared” projects are complete crud to put it bluntly.
It's not their fault, as people's first projects obviously won't be anything spectacular, but still, most of them don't deserve the front page.

But yeah, it does provide a chance for lesser known projects to be viewed, which is fair to everyone.
Maybe there could be a restriction of at least 10 views before it gets admitted to the section? That way, there'll be a higher chance for it to be reported.

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

When i went to the “recently shared projects” section, here's what I saw off the bat…

There's only 1 I'd maybe like to see, and that's the “DIY” one. I'll check it out… http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/41236350/ It's OK. It's a good start, and the recently shared projects is a good place for it to be because it'll help it get viewed.

“Untitled-18” is a start of a minecraft battle game, and it's good for a new scratcher.

The others, however, are just pictures or scribbles or remixes that don't really add much.

I then pressed the arrow to see more, and I saw CC entries “I'm leaving scratch forever” projects, more pictures, more remixes, etc. etc. One good thing i saw was an arduino tutorial, though.

Anyway, I think that the recently shared projects section is not very helpful, as most new projects are (let's face it) crud (at least I didn't say another thing), and even though these new people are trying (or spamming), I don't think any of these guys are going to get helped on the front page like this.

So support.
38 posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

No matter where you go, there will be inappropriate things. For many people, the Recently Shared Projects section is about as close as they get to seeing themselves front paged.

So what's the point?

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

No support, you could see inappropriate projects anywhere and getting rid of this section isn't going to fix that problem. Not only that but it makes it even harder for newer Scratchers to get noticed.
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

Notice how the row in 2.0 is recent projects, not the newest ones. The projects in the row already have a couple views and love-its, and they all seem to have been shared yesterday. If a project has been viewed a few times and people liked it, it's probably not inappropriate.
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

No support.
New Scratchers would never get acknowledged, then.
100+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

Listen up hockeyman, the ST will NEVER remove the recently shared projects section, how will newer scratchers one day be good? People like scratchu8 or KJKE got popular because of it, people checked out these interesting projects and now they are popular. Now I must agree, some projects can be bad or inapropreite. But that's their fault, they didn't care about reading rules or terms and deserve to get banned. If you think such a useful site functionality should be removed,
[removed - keep it respectful]

Last edited by Harakou (Dec. 27, 2014 18:29:39)

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

Davidstudio wrote:

Listen up hockeyman, the ST will NEVER remove the recently shared projects section, how will newer scratchers one day be good? People like scratchu8 or KJKE got popular because of it, people checked out these interesting projects and now they are popular. Now I must agree, some projects can be bad or inapropreite. But that's their fault, they didn't care about reading rules or terms and deserve to get banned. If you think such a useful site functionality should be removed,

That reply is just plain wrong in two ways:

ScratchU8 and KJEKJE seriously did not get well known because of it. They got well known because they make quality projects.

Second… leave Scratch forever please? Now that is just crossing the line.

Last edited by Harakou (Dec. 27, 2014 18:29:56)

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

I agree. the row is just sort of a sore thumb. poor quality projects flood the row so the chance of a showing decent project is almost impossible, not to mention the row right below it serves to catch the projects you're actually interested in. also, for a few days the row was unchanging, and by the worst of luck had a nsfw project in it the whole time. #scarred4life

but then that eliminates the chance of someone actually finding a legitimate project from a never-before-heard-of scratcher. and makes it more difficult to catch and report nsfw projects.
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

PrincessPanda_test_ wrote:

because we have this special part of our conscience called an opinion
100+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

support for not the reasons you stated but for this reason:
it is random which projects go up there so people might get respect for getting picked out of a hat, and it tells people that the more projects you create the more likely you're to be noticed, so people will create a bunch of random projects to get noticed, instead of a few epic ones

+ the scratch team takes down projects from the recently shared projects section if they are innapropiate
1000+ posts

Get rid of the Recently Shared Projects section!!!!

…What exactly was said that was removed (I'm a bit late to the game)? A hardcore insult to me? What about me did they insult? (I'll stop this now…) Fair enough. I agree that this would be controversial, but we are removing it for a REASON.

Last edited by TheHockeyist (Dec. 27, 2014 19:37:09)

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