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20 posts

Scratch needs more animators

Hello I am an animator named laserblast23. Scratch is an amazing platform for young people to create and learn but scratch is limited on animators most people make games

1000+ posts

Scratch needs more animators

Why is this in the Requests forum?
Are you asking someone to make something for you or are you offering to make things for other people?

In my opinion, AI is the most disputed topic on Scratch. I'm not kidding. This topic about adding AI to Scratch got 5 pages of posts in 2 hours, all of it full of AI arguments. People even got to insulting each other. It's crazy.
74 posts

Scratch needs more animators

ilovestories wrote:

Why is this in the Requests forum?
Are you asking someone to make something for you or are you offering to make things for other people?
He is requesting more people to be animators.

Challenge for you: Get this 1000 views by the end of September 28! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/874464797/
100+ posts

Scratch needs more animators

Scratch has lots of animations, but people usually uses scratch to make games, and this should not be in requests

Hello, I like to do coding.
My ocular profile
My Scratchsite

1000+ posts

Scratch needs more animators

You could maybe try making a project or even a studio about this-that could probably get you more views. Here's an idea-make an animation about Scratch needing more animators!

Happy almost-mid 2024! My favorite book series are Percy Jackson, The Unwanteds, and Keeper of the Lost Cities! I've read all of the books.

Here's a Scratch Partners studio you can join if you're new OR if you want to help out someone new!
20 posts

Scratch needs more animators

pasta_enjoyer7 wrote:

You could maybe try making a project or even a studio about this-that could probably get you more views. Here's an idea-make an animation about Scratch needing more animators!
Thanks for the idea

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