Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Underwhite wrote:

I was asking for something I saw a rainbow gradient once on someone's signature :-/
You have to either manually put in the colors to create the gradient, or use a bbcode website that adds a gradient automatically.

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness @interchangeably
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators

88 posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

oh okay

( if you wanna scroll scroll down/up my siggy, select any text. then press shift+ )

| - ‎ UNDERWHITE ♖ - [120]/145‎ ‎ -‎ | :: #171717
-<(| [FIGHT] | [MAGIC] | [ITEM] | [SPARE] | [DEFEND] | :: #444444) :: #170033>- :: #171717
[Gaster Blaster (70% TP)] - [Antler Beam (30% TP)] - [Healing Ray (15% TP)] - [U-Action (0% TP)] :: #171717
- <<(TP :: #171714) :: #BFBFBF > = [34%] :: #171716> ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎- :: #171717
Underwhite, Has joined since 2022-05-03 (April 3, 2022.)
⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩

V -⋅▼⋅- V:: #8999ff
⎣ - - - - - - - - ⎦:: #8f6a45f
88 posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

lol how do I upload images

( if you wanna scroll scroll down/up my siggy, select any text. then press shift+ )

| - ‎ UNDERWHITE ♖ - [120]/145‎ ‎ -‎ | :: #171717
-<(| [FIGHT] | [MAGIC] | [ITEM] | [SPARE] | [DEFEND] | :: #444444) :: #170033>- :: #171717
[Gaster Blaster (70% TP)] - [Antler Beam (30% TP)] - [Healing Ray (15% TP)] - [U-Action (0% TP)] :: #171717
- <<(TP :: #171714) :: #BFBFBF > = [34%] :: #171716> ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎- :: #171717
Underwhite, Has joined since 2022-05-03 (April 3, 2022.)
⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩

V -⋅▼⋅- V:: #8999ff
⎣ - - - - - - - - ⎦:: #8f6a45f
1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Underwhite wrote:

lol how do I upload images
Third party image hosts, such as cubeupload.

Toru said:

“全てが終わってその後に残るものは…夢と……想い出だけだ それだけだ”
67 posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

//a loop
START :: hat
my loop{
ha ha ha :: motion
//a loop
START :: hat
my loop{
ha ha ha :: motion

Last edited by leog20162 (July 14, 2024 10:03:41)

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature
when user (followed v) :: hat :: #ff6500 
make (leog20162 v) (happy v) :: #2500ff
when user (unfollowed v) :: hat :: #ff6500
make (leog20162 v) (sad v) :: #2500ff

when gf clicked :: sound // sound flags?!
if <h{broken [blocks v]{bru}[he he he v]}> then{he he he :: pen hat} :: control //what the
.......................................................................................... :: cap :: events
100+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Create-Scratch101 wrote:



  1. 10
  2. 10,000
  3. 10,000,000
is is meant to be a b c???

♡Highlight part of my signature and do Shift + Down Arrow to see my full signature. Some browsers require Ctrl. On others, like Chrome, this is optional.♡

♡Love Is Love♡

♡Genderfluid♡ ♡Any Pronouns (just not he/him)♡ ♡Omni♡ ♡Aries♡ ♡Supports POC♡ ♡White♡

when green flag clicked
if <(Supportive of LGBTQ+ and POC?) = true> then

say [Yay! You support us!] for (2) secs

say [Why not?] for (2) secs

♡Queerphobes, Racism, Ableism, Sexism, and anything related will not be tolerated anywhere where I am found, should not be tolerated anywhere on Scratch, and should be reported whenever come across. Homophobes and Transphobes fall under Queerphobes.♡

♡If you need help with anything on Scratch, as long as it isn't advanced art or coding, come to my profile!♡

♡More Active on @New-Start!

♡Kindness is free and infinite. Please give it to others every day.♡
100+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

LilAmongUsMini2024 wrote:

Create-Scratch101 wrote:



  1. 10
  2. 10,000
  3. 10,000,000
is is meant to be a b c???

It is, but I don’t think it works……

1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Are these all the bbcode tags?
I recently found out about the center tag, is that the only one I’m missing?

there’s someplace I want to go to for comfort… but I can’t figure out what.
1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Create-Scratch101 wrote:

Note: If you are new to the forums (a New Scratcher), you may not be able to post links and images. If you are active on the main site and the forums for a while you will become a Scratcher and be able to post links and images.

[img] — image (Ctrl+P)
Adds an image. Images must be hosted on one of the following sites:
could you add that [img=URL] also works and doesn't have to be escaped/closed? (though it has no shortcut)

Last edited by Zydrolic (Aug. 12, 2024 06:05:52)

Toru said:

“全てが終わってその後に残るものは…夢と……想い出だけだ それだけだ”
100+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Zydrolic wrote:

Create-Scratch101 wrote:

Note: If you are new to the forums (a New Scratcher), you may not be able to post links and images. If you are active on the main site and the forums for a while you will become a Scratcher and be able to post links and images.

[img] — image (Ctrl+P)
Adds an image. Images must be hosted on one of the following sites:
could you add that [img=URL] also works and doesn't have to be escaped/closed? (though it has no shortcut)

Thanks for your response, will do soon!

1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Just found an error in the guide

Create-Scratch101 wrote:

The World Icon will insert your version of Scratch.
It actually inserts your OS and browser version. Your “Scratch version” can't be detected anyways.

moved to @8to16 - this account is an archive

Amp hall of fame
Any posts I made before 2024 are bad posts.
1000th post (no edit)
ban scratch cause you can hack it
i only know 5 digits of pi
quote spam to the extreme
dying of cringe scratchblocks
Workaround: Summon it

the laugh is so evil your tiny screen can't comprehend it
1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0


Your “Scratch version” can't be detected anyways.

breakfast // web dev // 15yo // they/them // scratching since october 9th, 2018
ocular profile // scratch wiki page // git

i have cookies for brains

i'm a blunt person who may accidentally hurt your feelings.

the hall of my silly forum posts
[[ 500th post (no edit >:3) ]]
diarrhea isn't copyrighted
i_eat_coffee's birthday surprise
the jeffalo bug
mess cat
semicolon language translator
88 posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Yeah sure..

( if you wanna scroll scroll down/up my siggy, select any text. then press shift+ )

| - ‎ UNDERWHITE ♖ - [120]/145‎ ‎ -‎ | :: #171717
-<(| [FIGHT] | [MAGIC] | [ITEM] | [SPARE] | [DEFEND] | :: #444444) :: #170033>- :: #171717
[Gaster Blaster (70% TP)] - [Antler Beam (30% TP)] - [Healing Ray (15% TP)] - [U-Action (0% TP)] :: #171717
- <<(TP :: #171714) :: #BFBFBF > = [34%] :: #171716> ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎- :: #171717
Underwhite, Has joined since 2022-05-03 (April 3, 2022.)
⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩

V -⋅▼⋅- V:: #8999ff
⎣ - - - - - - - - ⎦:: #8f6a45f
1000+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

breakfast_for_dinner wrote:



Your “Scratch version” can't be detected anyways.
I mean it can't be detected outside of Scratch.

moved to @8to16 - this account is an archive

Amp hall of fame
Any posts I made before 2024 are bad posts.
1000th post (no edit)
ban scratch cause you can hack it
i only know 5 digits of pi
quote spam to the extreme
dying of cringe scratchblocks
Workaround: Summon it

the laugh is so evil your tiny screen can't comprehend it
100+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0


Just found an error in the guide

Create-Scratch101 wrote:

It actually inserts your OS and browser version. Your “Scratch version” can't be detected anyways.

Thanks, fixed.

100+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

I think you reserved a bit too much…

Last edited by kaj (Tommorow 00:00:00)

BFDIPokemonHispanic ⯌ Clarinet ⯌ BoyCatholicAMVsArtistYT

✦ ! publicly controlled signature | i do not affiliate with this image ! ✦

100+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

TheInterneter wrote:

I think you reserved a bit too much…

500+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

I tried to create one of these in the requests forum (because of all the shiny and cool shop stuff), and I just realized how much of a fool I made of myself.

I shall

I live in the suggestions sub-forum.

I might move into a 5-star forum!! I think it's called A“bout Scratch”?

It would be greatly appreciated if you gave me an internet!

Workaround chart:

88 posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

hey dawg you forgot colorcolor or hex)

( if you wanna scroll scroll down/up my siggy, select any text. then press shift+ )

| - ‎ UNDERWHITE ♖ - [120]/145‎ ‎ -‎ | :: #171717
-<(| [FIGHT] | [MAGIC] | [ITEM] | [SPARE] | [DEFEND] | :: #444444) :: #170033>- :: #171717
[Gaster Blaster (70% TP)] - [Antler Beam (30% TP)] - [Healing Ray (15% TP)] - [U-Action (0% TP)] :: #171717
- <<(TP :: #171714) :: #BFBFBF > = [34%] :: #171716> ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎- :: #171717
Underwhite, Has joined since 2022-05-03 (April 3, 2022.)
⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩ ⬩-|-⬩

V -⋅▼⋅- V:: #8999ff
⎣ - - - - - - - - ⎦:: #8f6a45f
500+ posts

The Official BBCode Guide 2.0

Underwhite wrote:

hey dawg you forgot colorcolor or hex)
there is color

This is my signature. In my signature, I can go off-topic as much as I want and advertise! hehehe >:)
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the scratch movie # my beepbox compositions # free image hosting for forums # order at the catio

Scratch 4.0 beta is out! https://scratch.mit.edu/scratch4beta

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