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- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
BBCode allows you to add formatting to your posts on this forum. It uses tags (marked by square brackets), which you can type by hand or add using the toolbar at the top of the post editor. This guide offers a short introduction as well as a reference source for BBCode on the Scratch Forums.
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (Feb. 21, 2025 17:36:51)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
Basic Text Features
These tags allow you to style text.
These tags allow you to style text.
[b] — bold text (Ctrl+B)
Makes text bold. Often used to add emphasis or make small headings.
[b]example phrase[/b] —> example phrase
[i] — italic text (Ctrl+I)
Makes text italic. Often used to add emphasis or mark the titles of books or other works.
[i]example phrase[/i] —> example phrase
[u] — underlined text (Ctrl+U)
Adds a line below text. Use sparingly, as underlined text can often be confused with links.
[u]example phrase[/u] —> example phrase
[s] — struck-through text (Ctrl+S)
Adds a line through text. Often used to mark deletions or alterations in posts.
[s]example phrase[/s] —> example phrase
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (May 17, 2024 13:40:11)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
More Advanced Text Features
These tags allow you to size and color text.
These tags allow you to size and color text.
[color=color] — colored text
Changes the color of text. See here for a full list of color names, and here for a color picker that will generate color codes for you.
[color=red]example phrase[/color] —> example phrase
[color=blue]example phrase[/color] —> example phrase
[color=#a5d]example phrase[/color] —> example phrase
[big] — big text
Makes text big. Often used for headers. Use sparingly, as a lot of large text can be annoying.
[big]example phrase[/big] —> example phrase
[small] — small text
Makes text small. Often used in signatures.
[small]example phrase[/small] —> example phrase
You can make small caps like this:
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (May 17, 2024 13:40:38)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
Most links will automatically be hyperlinked. For example, http://www.google.com/ —> http://www.google.com/. You can also use the [url] tag or a shortcut link tag (like [wiki] or [dict]).
Most links will automatically be hyperlinked. For example, http://www.google.com/ —> http://www.google.com/. You can also use the [url] tag or a shortcut link tag (like [wiki] or [dict]).
Note: If you are new to the forums (a New Scratcher), you may not be able to post links and images. If you are active on the main site and the forums for a while you will become a Scratcher and be able to post links and images.
[url] — link (Ctrl+L)
Adds a link. You can specify a link location or use the text of the link.
[url]http://www.google.com/[/url] —> http://www.google.com/
[url=http://www.google.com/]Google[/url] —> Google
[wiki] — Scratch Wiki article link
Adds a link to a Scratch Wiki article.
[wiki]Scratch (programming language)[/wiki] —> Scratch (programming language)
[wp] — Wikipedia article link
Adds a link to a wikipedia article.
[wp]Scratch (programming language)[/wp] —> Scratch (programming language)
[google] — Google search link
Adds a link to a Google search for a term.
[google]Scratch[/google] —> Scratch
[dictionary] — dictionary link
Adds a link to a dictionary definition of a word.
[dictionary]imagine[/dictionary] —> imagine
Tip: You can use [dict] as a shortcut for [dictionary]
[dict]share[/dict] —> share
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (May 17, 2024 13:44:57)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
Note: If you are new to the forums (a New Scratcher), you may not be able to post links and images. If you are active on the main site and the forums for a while you will become a Scratcher and be able to post links and images.
Note: If you are new to the forums (a New Scratcher), you may not be able to post links and images. If you are active on the main site and the forums for a while you will become a Scratcher and be able to post links and images.
[img] — image (Ctrl+P)
Adds an image. Images must be hosted on one of the following sites:
- cubeupload.com
- imageshack.com or imageshack.us
- wikipedia.org
- wikimedia.org
- scratch-dach.info
- scratch.mit.edu
- wiki.scratch.mit.edu
- scratch-wiki.info

Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (May 17, 2024 13:47:02)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
These tags allow you to add both ordered (marked with 1, 2, 3…) and unordered (marked with a bullet “•” or other character) lists to your posts.
[list] — unordered list
Adds an unordered list.
Adds an ordered list. Symbol specifies the starting symbol (1 or a).
Sorry ordered with a, b, c, fans, it no longer works, it will default to 1,2,3.
These tags allow you to add both ordered (marked with 1, 2, 3…) and unordered (marked with a bullet “•” or other character) lists to your posts.
[list] — unordered list
Adds an unordered list.
- imagine
- program
- share
Adds an ordered list. Symbol specifies the starting symbol (1 or a).
- lather
- rinse
- repeat
Sorry ordered with a, b, c, fans, it no longer works, it will default to 1,2,3.
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (Nov. 8, 2024 00:38:54)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
Forumoji’s (Emoji’s)
Some emoticons will be automatically be converted to images.
:) —>
:| —>
:( —>
:D —>
:o —>
;) —>
:/ —>
:P —>
:lol: —>
:mad: —>
:rolleyes: —>
:cool: —>
This link will bring you to a site which you can use the image feature for more emojis!
Some emoticons will be automatically be converted to images.
:) —>

:| —>

:( —>

:D —>

:o —>

;) —>

:/ —>

:P —>

:lol: —>

:mad: —>

:rolleyes: —>

:cool: —>

Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (June 27, 2024 13:44:10)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
You can click the Quote button on any post to automatically add the quote BBCode to your post, or manually add the quote using the [quote] tag.
[quote] — quote box
Adds a quote box. You can specify an author with [quote=author].
[quote]Example quote[/quote] —>
You can use the [code] tag to display sections of code in a monospaced font. Tags within the [code] tag (other than [/code]) will not have any effect.
[code] — source code
Adds block of code.
[code]example[/code] —>
[code=language] — source code
Adds block of code with syntax highlighting. You can use any of the languages supported by pygments. See here for a full list.
[code=javascript]alert('imagine, program, share!');[/code] —>
You can click the Quote button on any post to automatically add the quote BBCode to your post, or manually add the quote using the [quote] tag.
[quote] — quote box
Adds a quote box. You can specify an author with [quote=author].
[quote]Example quote[/quote] —>
Example quote[quote=Someone]Example quote[/quote] —>
Example quote
You can use the [code] tag to display sections of code in a monospaced font. Tags within the [code] tag (other than [/code]) will not have any effect.
[code] — source code
Adds block of code.
[code]example[/code] —>
[code=language] — source code
Adds block of code with syntax highlighting. You can use any of the languages supported by pygments. See here for a full list.
[code=javascript]alert('imagine, program, share!');[/code] —>
alert('imagine, program, share!');
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (June 27, 2024 13:46:44)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
You can write your own scratchblocks in the forums!
When Green Flag Clicked
Move () steps
You can write
When green flag clicked :: motion
Turn left () degrees :: event
to change the colors of the blocks. —>
You can write your own scratchblocks in the forums!
When Green Flag Clicked
Move () steps
when green flag clicked
move () steps
You can write
When green flag clicked :: motion
Turn left () degrees :: event
to change the colors of the blocks. —>
When green flag clicked ::motion
Move () steps :: events
Topics Related to Scratchblocks
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (Nov. 17, 2024 23:09:00)
- Create-Scratch101
500+ posts
The Official BBCode Guide 2.0
You can center your text in the forums! This is helpful for shops.
With Paragraph, you can make new lines in paragraph style.
[p]Hello![/p][p]How are you?[/p]
On the toolbar, there are three buttons that do not use BBCode.
The World Icon will insert your OS and browser version. (It’s not always accurate)
Ex.My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 17.3.1, No Flash version detected
button will remove all BBCode on the selected text.
Ex. hi
After button —>
The checkmark will let you preview your BBCode before posting.
Use [ and ] next to each other to allow items inside of them. Ex.
You can center your text in the forums! This is helpful for shops.
With Paragraph, you can make new lines in paragraph style.
[p]Hello![/p][p]How are you?[/p]
How are you?
On the toolbar, there are three buttons that do not use BBCode.
The World Icon will insert your OS and browser version. (It’s not always accurate)
Ex.My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 17.3.1, No Flash version detected

Ex. hi
After button —>
The checkmark will let you preview your BBCode before posting.
Use [ and ] next to each other to allow items inside of them. Ex.
Last edited by Create-Scratch101 (Aug. 26, 2024 21:09:22)
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» The Official BBCode Guide 2.0