Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

I like Harry Potter. But I think my favorite Harry Potter movie is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

I love: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland/Alice Through the Looking Glass, cats, Boba Fett, and A Seires of Unfortunate Events!!!
I hate: bullying, false reporting, hate, Obi-Wan and Han Solo, and huskies
I'm: female, weird, and VERY crazy (and Boba Fett's biggest fan)
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

One movie I really love is A Dog's Purpose, I love how the stories of the dog's lives take place in different decades, starting with the 60's, going all the way up to the present generation. Also is there already a topic for movies in general? Because I might make one.

And now, some wise words…

“Is Mayonnaise an instrument?”

-Patrick Star
100+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

StarDude3 wrote:

One movie I really love is A Dog's Purpose, I love how the stories of the dog's lives take place in different decades, starting with the 60's, going all the way up to the present generation. Also is there already a topic for movies in general? Because I might make one.

That movie is so sad

I love: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland/Alice Through the Looking Glass, cats, Boba Fett, and A Seires of Unfortunate Events!!!
I hate: bullying, false reporting, hate, Obi-Wan and Han Solo, and huskies
I'm: female, weird, and VERY crazy (and Boba Fett's biggest fan)
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Unfortunately, I believe this is a duplicate.

In fact, there are two. This one has more posts, but this one was made earlier - we'll see what the Scratch Team decides to do here.

God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:17

Saying “Support” or “No Support” doesn't contribute anything to the conversation.
A question that has already been answered doesn't need to be answered twice with the same answer - bring something new to the table.
1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?


1000+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

willy wonka and the chocolate factor (original)
100+ posts

What's your favorite Movie?

Mine is either Mrs. Doubtfire, Dr. Strange or BTTF.

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again

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