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Cloud Variable reset to old value when browser is refreshed. [CLOSED]

medians wrote:

Anyways, I was referring to: <– I do infact care about proper grammar >:D
Certain projects have issues where their cloud variables aren't saving their updates properly, and can be solved by renaming the variable and saving the project, repeating as necessary.)
Ah, i have been mistaken.
(If i wasn't being clear, i was referring to old and new projects alike which have the problem (sometimes, almost as unpredictable as the digits of pi.) .)

Last edited by -stxllxr (April 1, 2024 23:52:09)

80 posts

Cloud Variable reset to old value when browser is refreshed. [CLOSED]

Cloud variables can be stored again, somehow this problem was fixed a few days ago.

My cloud game is working now: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992150436/

100+ posts

Cloud Variable reset to old value when browser is refreshed. [CLOSED]

(sry for necro but I have to correct this because there are a lot of ppl thinking that cloud vars are broken)


I reloaded it a few times and the value was saved. Just rename the variable a few times

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

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Cloud Variable reset to old value when browser is refreshed. [CLOSED]

100+ posts

Cloud Variable reset to old value when browser is refreshed. [CLOSED]

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992969589/ PROOF that renaming the cloud var a few times works.
(sry for necropost but SO MANY PEOPLE are complaining that cloud vars are broken and are avoiding them, they work)

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

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