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28 posts

FPS-independent Tick System?

Hey, I'm making a Scratch Project and I want it to be FPS independent (To support Turbowarp and help with lag) Is it possible to make a tick system that's separate from framerate? (I'm looking for one that can do 120tps)


(Creator of Pac-Man Scratched)
74 posts

FPS-independent Tick System?

you could try this for 120tps:
when green flag clicked
set [ ticks v] to [0]
change [ ticks v] by (2)

“It’s not a bug; it’s an undocumented feature.” ― Anonymous

when green flag clicked
change [ awesomeness] by (1)
28 posts

FPS-independent Tick System?

That doesn't solve the problem because the “Forever” loop is FPS-dependent. This means that 30FPS projects will have 60TPS, 60FPS > 120TPS, 15FPS > 30TPS, you get the point.

(Creator of Pac-Man Scratched)
500+ posts

FPS-independent Tick System?

Eventlesstew wrote:

That doesn't solve the problem because the “Forever” loop is FPS-dependent. This means that 30FPS projects will have 60TPS, 60FPS > 120TPS, 15FPS > 30TPS, you get the point.
You could use something connected to a universal server such as “days since 2000”. This is how most FPS loggers work.

Front-end web developer and software programmer
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FPS-independent Tick System?

Eventlesstew wrote:

Hey, I'm making a Scratch Project and I want it to be FPS independent (To support Turbowarp and help with lag) Is it possible to make a tick system that's separate from framerate? (I'm looking for one that can do 120tps)


This looks like it belongs in Advanced Topics. I'm not sure if there's one that can do 120tps btw.

I'm Irrelevant! (jk)

What I'm good at:
Creating evil kumquats
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Creating even more evil kumquats because why not?


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FPS-independent Tick System?

--Irrelevant wrote:

Eventlesstew wrote:

Hey, I'm making a Scratch Project and I want it to be FPS independent (To support Turbowarp and help with lag) Is it possible to make a tick system that's separate from framerate? (I'm looking for one that can do 120tps)


This looks like it belongs in Advanced Topics. I'm not sure if there's one that can do 120tps btw.
it's not that advanced you know?

Front-end web developer and software programmer
Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Python3, & Lua.

Signature color gradients here
cool LiDAR game!

AAGS Manager
90 posts

FPS-independent Tick System?

MineTurte wrote:

--Irrelevant wrote:

Eventlesstew wrote:

Hey, I'm making a Scratch Project and I want it to be FPS independent (To support Turbowarp and help with lag) Is it possible to make a tick system that's separate from framerate? (I'm looking for one that can do 120tps)


This looks like it belongs in Advanced Topics. I'm not sure if there's one that can do 120tps btw.
it's not that advanced you know?

Ok? A tick system that's seperate from frame rate seems advanced to me!

I'm Irrelevant! (jk)

What I'm good at:
Creating evil kumquats
Creating more evil kumquats
Creating even more evil kumquats because why not?


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1000+ posts

FPS-independent Tick System?

You could likely make an tick system using Delta Time, although I'm not too sure how it would work but, I do know for a fact that you can't have a 120 tps system, as turbowarp only allows 60fps which at most would be 60 tps, that you can see.
I would recommend making a 20 tps or 30 tps system, so that it would work on both scratch and turbowarp.

Last edited by Malicondi (March 30, 2024 16:58:27)

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