Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

∞ // The Regretevator topic! // ∞

bump for dupe and inactivity :3

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she/they/xe prns // lesbian oriented aroace, polyamory & bigender // my current hyperfixation is DF WOAH how could you tell!!!! // please note i may post incorrect information (just like everyone else here) // DANCING BABY IS A TROLL. THEY WILL NECROPOST. REPORT AND MOVE ON. // GUYS ITS TIME TO GRIDDY // dark evil beat // average scratch ban appeal /j

500+ posts

∞ // The Regretevator topic! // ∞

bump cuz of a dupe

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Name: Meep
Adopt one yourself! @ Pokémon Orphanage
“Angel Gabby? Angel Gabby!” ~ Francis, the best boye

Hello! My name is XCartooonX, but please call me Low-Key. I'm super into Pokemon, My Singing Monsters, and more. Feel free to follow me!

7 posts

∞ // The Regretevator topic! // ∞

bump Yall how do you think of Folly? (the new-ish npc)

Littletimmy123i’s alt account

the fourms bring the nerd side of me out

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