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JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Since I believe Piper and Iris are a bit offline right now, we'll just go with:

Comedy - Joker
Gothic - Phantom
Spy-fi - Detective
Steampunk - Engineer
Action - Adventurer
Melodrama - Thespian

Now, allies and enemies!

Each cabin has one ally, one enemy, and three neutrals, here's what I'm thinking for relationships:
Joker: Ally - Thespian, Enemy: Phantom
Thespian: Ally - Joker, Enemy: Engineer
Phantom: Ally - Detective, Enemy: Joker
Detective: Ally - Phantom, Enemy: Adventurer
Adventurer: Ally - Engineer, Enemy: Detective
Engineer: Ally - Adventurer, Enemy: Thespian

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

iinspirqtion wrote:

Each cabin has one ally, one enemy, and three neutrals, here's what I'm thinking for relationships:
Joker: Ally - Thespian, Enemy: Phantom
Thespian: Ally - Joker, Enemy: Engineer
Phantom: Ally - Detective, Enemy: Joker
Detective: Ally - Phantom, Enemy: Adventurer
Adventurer: Ally - Engineer, Enemy: Detective
Engineer: Ally - Adventurer, Enemy: Thespian

Looks great!

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

hey ya'll! i'm so sorry ive been active about this! all of that looks great, thanks so much em for taking the lead i really appreciate it <3 please let me know what ya'll need help with and i will do my absolute best to be more active in planning now!

1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Piper_Camps wrote:

hey ya'll! i'm so sorry ive been active about this! all of that looks great, thanks so much em for taking the lead i really appreciate it <3 please let me know what ya'll need help with and i will do my absolute best to be more active in planning now!
of course! I know that since SWC leader apps are out I'm pretty busy and I'm pretty sure most of us are, so we'll resume planing after those!

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

iinspirqtion wrote:

Piper_Camps wrote:

hey ya'll! i'm so sorry ive been active about this! all of that looks great, thanks so much em for taking the lead i really appreciate it <3 please let me know what ya'll need help with and i will do my absolute best to be more active in planning now!
of course! I know that since SWC leader apps are out I'm pretty busy and I'm pretty sure most of us are, so we'll resume planing after those!

sounds great! best of luck to all or you applying for swc <3

500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Man, I wish I could apply for SWC, just gone for a 5 day span, then spotty for the last week of camp.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Hey Piper!
No (co)leading but does camper signups and sorting, MB + Daily Team + Megathread + Word Wars

(co)leading, main leader of MBC + Daily Team

Leader apps + Main Cabin + Daily Team + Writing Comp (probably not co-leading or leading but we'll see <3)

JWC leader forum + Choose two out of: MBC, Daily Team, and Writing Comp + Possible (co)leading + Cabin Wars (pick your poison)

Could you tell us if you're going to (co)lead and weather you want to do any of the tasks below your name?

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Also, I think it's best to start working on dailies (as we need more time for weeklies), if any of you have any suggestions, please tell me and I'll compile them into a list.

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

iinspirqtion wrote:

Piper: JWC leader forum + Choose two out of: MBC, Daily Team, and Writing Comp + Possible (co)leading + Cabin Wars (pick your poison)
Could you tell us if you're going to (co)lead and weather you want to do any of the tasks below your name?

yeah for sure! i'd prefer not to lead/co-lead, but if it's necessary i will <3 i would also be down to work with mbc + daily team and would be glad to help w/ planning cabin wars as well <3

1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

thanks, Piper!

finalized jobs (tell me if there's an issue with it!)
No (co)leading but does camper signups and sorting, MB + Daily Team + Megathread + Word Wars

(co)leading, main leader of MBC + Daily Team

Leader apps + Main Cabin + leader of Daily Team + Writing Comp (probably not co-leading or leading but we'll see <3)

JWC leader forum + MBC + Daily Team + No co-leading + Cabin Wars

Since we're all Daily Team Members, that's really good because (flashbacks from last session /j /lh)

Can I get 5 ideas from each of you (aside from Iris because I think she's busy with irl stuff) by 2 weeks (just asap please <3) for dailies?

Last edited by iinspirqtion (May 24, 2024 01:03:32)

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

My ideas

1. January 13th:
Today is Make Your Dreams Come True Today, and we hope you all will today <3 but another thing you can do is to write about anyone, an already existing character, your own, someone you know, having their dreams come true! What happens? What do they want? Answer all these questions and more by writing at least xxx words for xxx points!

2. Any day:
Titles are a very powerful thing, and sometimes they influence your writing. Today, all you have to do is to write xxx words in a story titled “Oasis” for xxx points. Although everyone's titles will be exactly the same, check out another person's writing and notice the similarities and differences in both of your stories. What do you notice?

3. Any day:
Some people have innate humor. Some don't. Some find it hard to joke, and some find it hard to understand jokes. How about you? For this daily, write a story about someone who takes a joke way too far. How far will it go? Earn xxx points for writing xxx words about this prompt!

4. Any day:
Songwriting is a form of writing that is a big part of any culture, and most authors have often overlooked it. Today, we want you to include a lyric from a song of your choice, and write xxx words around the meaning of that lyric for xxx points.

5. Any day:
Time is a very funny thing, isn't it? It's more of a broad topic than a set fact. Although we might not still know how exactly time works, create a story where time is different. What will happen because of that? Does it impact people's daily lives? What goes on in that world? Write xxx words for xx points!

Last edited by iinspirqtion (May 24, 2024 19:12:01)

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

my ideas (will update with more soon <3):

1. any day:
Have you ever read a book/watched a movie or TV show and wished your favorite side character got more screen/page time, or more attention in general? Well today is your lucky day, because now you can do it for yourself! For todays daily, write xxx words of a fanfiction about your favorite side character! You can explore this character's thoughts during the main story, or write a completely new story featuring them, it's up to you! This daily is worth xxx points

2. any day:
Understanding your characters is an important part of writing any story, so today we're going to be working on character development! so, for today's daily we're going to be making character sheets! in your character sheet include the following information and anything else that could help us get to know your character: name, age, gender + pronouns, appearance, family, friends, relationships?, education level, religion, birthday, hometown, personality (include positive and negative traits). Write xxx words for xxx points.

3. any day:
For today's daily, we're going to be exploring a sci-fi writing prompt! Write a xxx word story about a world where artificial intelligence has become sentient, explore the consequences of an AI uprising and the ethical dilemmas faced by humans and machines alike. This daily is worth xxx points

1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Compiling all the dailies here:

January 1st: Welcome to the first day of camp! Start to get to know your cabin mates, meet other campers, and introduce yourself in the comments! We're so excited for this session, and there are definitely going to be so many new memories made here <3

January 2nd:
Have you ever read a book/watched a movie or TV show and wished your favorite side character got more screen/page time, or more attention in general? Well today is your lucky day, because now you can do it for yourself! For todays daily, write xxx words of a fanfiction about your favorite side character! You can explore this character's thoughts during the main story, or write a completely new story featuring them, it's up to you! This daily is worth xxx points

January 3rd:
Titles are a very powerful thing, and sometimes they influence your writing. Today, all you have to do is to write xxx words in a story titled “Oasis” for xxx points. Although everyone's titles will be exactly the same, check out another person's writing and notice the similarities and differences in both of your stories. What do you notice?

January 4th:
Understanding your characters is an important part of writing any story, so today we're going to be working on character development! so, for today's daily we're going to be making character sheets! in your character sheet include the following information and anything else that could help us get to know your character: name, age, gender + pronouns, appearance, family, friends, relationships?, education level, religion, birthday, hometown, personality (include positive and negative traits). Write xxx words for xxx points.

January 5th:
Some people have innate humor. Some don't. Some find it hard to joke, and some find it hard to understand jokes. How about you? For this daily, write a story about someone who takes a joke way too far. How far will it go? Earn xxx points for writing xxx words about this prompt!

January 6th:
For today's daily, we're going to be exploring a sci-fi writing prompt! Write a xxx word story about a world where artificial intelligence has become sentient, explore the consequences of an AI uprising and the ethical dilemmas faced by humans and machines alike. This daily is worth xxx points

January 7th: Songwriting is a form of writing that is a big part of any culture, and most authors have often overlooked it. Today, we want you to include a lyric from a song of your choice, and write xxx words around the meaning of that lyric for xxx points.

January 8th: Time is a very funny thing, isn't it? It's more of a broad topic than a set fact. Although we might not still know how exactly time works, create a story where time is different. What will happen because of that? Does it impact people's daily lives? What goes on in that world? Write xxx words for xx points!

January 13th:
Today is Make Your Dreams Come True Today, and we hope you all will today <3 but another thing you can do is to write about anyone, an already existing character, your own, someone you know, having their dreams come true! What happens? What do they want? Answer all these questions and more by writing at least xxx words for xxx points!

Chloe, could you get to writing the 5 dailies whenever you can? ^^ /lh

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

iinspirqtion wrote:

Compiling all the dailies here:

Chloe, could you get to writing the 5 dailies whenever you can? ^^ /lh

Yes, I will. sorry, I had a rough week.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

smartypantschlo wrote:

iinspirqtion wrote:

Compiling all the dailies here:

Chloe, could you get to writing the 5 dailies whenever you can? ^^ /lh

Yes, I will. sorry, I had a rough week.
no problem <3 I understand that!

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

hey! so sorry for my inactivity- i was trying to focus on finals ^^" thank you so much for organizing everything em! here are my dailies:
For this daily, all you need is to have read a book. Well, you also have to write, of course ;D Is there a book that you wish you could change the ending of? Maybe the love triangle didn't go the way you wanted it to, or maybe someone died, or maybe the city got taken over by the villain. The possibilities are literally endless. For this daily, we're going to be rewriting that ending. You can make it however you want! Just make sure you write xxx words to claim xxx points! Have fun!

Today's daily is super fun and easy, too! We're taking today to focus on poetry. All you have to do is complete at least 3 of the following tasks using at least xxx words in order to claim xxx points! But here's the catch- all of your tasks have to include the word “tubular”. Haaaave funnnn! ;D
1. Write an acrostic poem
2. Write a sonnet
3. Write a haiku
4. Write an ode
5. Write a limerick

We're focusing on you today! As you probably know, Taylor Swift made the term “in my ____ era” popular. Today we're going to talk about what era you're in! Take whatever era you're in- maybe it's speech, music, sports, cats, etc- and write about it. What is your era? What do you do? How do you act? Are you proud of their era? Write about it! To claim xxx points, write xxx words!

What would happen if you were to set foot into your ally's cabin? What about your enemy's? Today we're writing about it! Write two short stories about going into your ally and your enemy's cabins. These two stories must be at least xxx words each and xxx words total in order to claim xxx points! Have fun!

Alas, for most of us we're in the middle of winter and summer is so very far away. But that won't stop us from imagining the best summers ever! What would the best summer ever look like for you? Would you go to an island? A cabin? Would you see your favorite artist? Maybe you'd just sleep the whole time! It's up to you! Write xxx words to claim xxx points!

also are we going to do the thing again where you get 100 points if you provide proof?

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Oh yes I totally forgot about that but yes I'll put it into all of the dailies!

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Updated List

January 1st: Welcome to the first day of camp! Start to get to know your cabin mates, meet other campers, and introduce yourself in the comments! We're so excited for this session, and there are definitely going to be so many new memories made here <3

January 2nd:
Have you ever read a book/watched a movie or TV show and wished your favorite side character got more screen/page time, or more attention in general? Well today is your lucky day, because now you can do it for yourself! For todays daily, write xxx words of a fanfiction about your favorite side character! You can explore this character's thoughts during the main story, or write a completely new story featuring them, it's up to you! This daily is worth xxx points. You can provide proof for an extra 100 points!

January 3rd:
Titles are a very powerful thing, and sometimes they influence your writing. Today, all you have to do is to write xxx words in a story titled “Oasis” for xxx points. Although everyone's titles will be exactly the same, check out another person's writing and notice the similarities and differences in both of your stories. What do you notice? If you provide proof you can get an extra 100 points <3

January 4th:
Understanding your characters is an important part of writing any story, so today we're going to be working on character development! so, for today's daily we're going to be making character sheets! in your character sheet include the following information and anything else that could help us get to know your character: name, age, gender + pronouns, appearance, family, friends, relationships?, education level, religion, birthday, hometown, personality (include positive and negative traits). Write xxx words for xxx points, and an extra 50 points for sharing!

January 5th:
Some people have innate humor. Some don't. Some find it hard to joke, and some find it hard to understand jokes. How about you? For this daily, write a story about someone who takes a joke way too far. How far will it go? Earn xxx points for writing xxx words about this prompt! Get an extra 150 points for sharing your piece.

January 6th:
For today's daily, we're going to be exploring a sci-fi writing prompt! Write a xxx word story about a world where artificial intelligence has become sentient, explore the consequences of an AI uprising and the ethical dilemmas faced by humans and machines alike. This daily is worth xxx points, and an extra 150 points if you give proof.

January 7th: Songwriting is a form of writing that is a big part of any culture, and most authors have often overlooked it. Today, we want you to include a lyric from a song of your choice, and write xxx words around the meaning of that lyric for xxx points. Get an extra 100 points if you share your daily <3

January 8th: Time is a very funny thing, isn't it? It's more of a broad topic than a set fact. Although we might not still know how exactly time works, create a story where time is different. What will happen because of that? Does it impact people's daily lives? What goes on in that world? Write xxx words for xx points! If you share your writing you can get 150 points more!

January 13th:
Today is Make Your Dreams Come True Today, and we hope you all will today <3 but another thing you can do is to write about anyone, an already existing character, your own, someone you know, having their dreams come true! What happens? What do they want? Answer all these questions and more by writing at least xxx words for xxx points! You can get 100 points if you share this daily.

January 14th:
For this daily, all you need is to read a book. Well, you also have to write, of course ;D Is there a book that you wish you could change the ending of? Maybe the love triangle didn't go the way you wanted it to, or maybe someone died, or maybe the city got taken over by the villain. The possibilities are literally endless. For this daily, we're going to be rewriting that ending. You can make it however you want! Just make sure you write xxx words to claim xxx points, and an extra 100 points if you share proof! Have fun!

January 15th:
Today's daily is super fun and easy, too! We're taking today to focus on poetry. All you have to do is complete at least 3 of the following tasks using at least xxx words in order to claim xxx points! Share your poems for an extra 50 points. But here's the catch- all of your tasks have to include the word “tubular”. Haaaave funnnn! ;D
1. Write an acrostic poem
2. Write a sonnet
3. Write a haiku
4. Write an ode
5. Write a limerick

January 16th:
We're focusing on you today! As you probably know, Taylor Swift made the term “in my ____ era” popular. Today we're going to talk about what era you're in! Take whatever era you're in- maybe it's speech, music, sports, cats, etc- and write about it. What is your era? What do you do? How do you act? Are you proud of their era? Write about it! To claim xxx points, write xxx words! Get an extra 100 points for sharing.

January 17th:
What would happen if you were to set foot into your ally's cabin? What about your enemy's? Today we're writing about it! Write two short stories about going into your ally and your enemy's cabins. These two stories must be at least xxx words each and xxx words total in order to claim xxx points! Have fun! Share your piece for 100 extra points!

January 18th:
Alas, for most of us we're in the middle of winter and summer is so very far away. But that won't stop us from imagining the best summers ever! What would the best summer ever look like for you? Would you go to an island? A cabin? Would you see your favorite artist? Maybe you'd just sleep the whole time! It's up to you! Write xxx words to claim xxx points! Share your daily for an extra 100 points

January 19th:
Most stories have a protagonist and an antagonist or a hero and a villain. Perhaps it is a superhero fighting a supervillain, a school situation with a bully, or enemies in war. Now what would happen if these enemies had double lives, where in one they were friends and in the other, they were at each other's throats. Write a story of at least xxx words about two characters with double lives, who happen to know each other in both lives, yet have completely opposite relationships in each life. Perhaps it is a superhero and a supervillain who are college roommates, who hide the secret of their crime fighting or crime doing life. Or perhaps the boss they hate is their best friend over the internet. The options are numerous! Complete this for xxx points for your cabin. For an extra xxx points, share your story in the comments!

January 20th: Video games are all the rage these days. Whether it is on a console, a phone, or a computer, very few people have not played an online game. Today, we are going to combine the joys of writing with the entertainment of a video game. Write a story with a video game as the key component in your writing. Perhaps it's the setting of the story (have you ever wanted to live in Minecraft?) or a game that plays the central aspect of the plot, a video game must be a major part of your story. Write xxx words for xxx points, and an extra xxx if you share <3

January 21st:
One of many inspiration poets is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Known for “Paul Revere's Ride” among other influential poems, he lived during the times of the American Civil War and the tragic events of his life affected his writing. For today's daily, we will be taking a look at his poetry. Find a line from one of his works that you like and use it in a story or a poem of your own. Write xxx words for xxx points, and share for an extra xxx. Do you find anything fascinating about his works? What are some similarities between him and other poets?

January 22nd:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! At least, that's how the saying goes. Today's daily is going to be all about apples. There are over 7500 different kinds of apples. For this daily, pick out any kind of apple. Look into its name, color, taste, and characteristics, such as where it is grown, how it is grown, and more. Then, write something inspired by your apple of choice. Perhaps you have a character named Honey Crisp, who has a sweet personality but can be a bit tart at times. Or perhaps you'll write about a strange city where everyone is sour called Smith's Land. Write xxx words about your apple for xxx points, xxx more if you share!

January 23rd:
Fun fact: The French Horn was not made in France, rather, the modern-day version came from Germany! This is known as a misnomer, a name that is incorrectly or unsuitably implied. For today's daily, we're going to be writing something surrounding a misnomer. Perhaps it is a story surrounding an already common misnomer, or you make your misnomer for your own unique word. For this daily, write xxx words for xxx points, if you share your story, add xxx points!

Last edited by iinspirqtion (June 23, 2024 17:48:53)

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

Ok, apologizing for dropping the ball again, rough week turned into a rough month, been taking a lot of time to sort out relationships and responsibilities IRL, but I have thought about dailies.

(Feel free to alter anything as needed. I don't know how to spell and autocorrect is not helping.)

1. Any day: Most stories have a protagonist and an anatagist or a hero and a villain. Perhaps it is a superhero fighting a super villain, a school situation with a bully, or the opposites of a war. Now what would happen if these enemies had double lives, where in one they were friends and the other they were at each other's throats. Write a story of at least xxx words about two characters with double lives, who happen to know each other in both lives, yet have completely opposite relationships in each lives. Perhaps it is a superhero and a supervillain who are college roommates, who hide the secret of their crime fighting or crime doing life. Or perhaps the boss they hate is their best friend over the internet. The options are numerous! Complete this for xxx points for your cabin.

2. Any day: Video games are all the rage these days. Weither it is on a consel, a phone, or a computer, very few people have not played an online game. Today, we are going to combine the joys of writing with the entertainment of a video game. Write a story with a video game as the key componite in your writing. Perhaps its the setting of the story (have you ever wanted to live in Minecraft?) or a game plays the central aspect of the plot, a video game must be a major part of your story. Write xxx words for xxx points.

3: Any day: Out of all the poets I've ever read, one of the ones that have inspired me the most is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Known for “Paul Revere's Ride” among other influencal poems, he lived during the times of the American Civil War and the tragic events of his life affected his writing. For todays daily, we w ill be taking a look at his poetry. Find a line from one of his works that you like and use it in a story or a poem of your own. Write xxx words for xxx points.

4. Any day: An apple a day keeps the doctor away! At least, that's how the saying goes. Today's daily is going to be all about apples. According to google, there are over 7500 different kinds of apples. For this daily, pick out an apple. Look into its name, color, taste, and characteristics, such as where it is grown, how it is grown, and more. Then, write something inspired by your apple of choice. Perhaps you have a character named Honey Crisp, who has a sweet personality but can be a bit tart at times. Or perhaps you'll write about a sour old Granny named Smith. Write xxx words for xxx points!

5. Any day: Fun fact. The French Horn was not made in France, rather, the modern day version came from Germany! This is known as a misnomer, a name that is incorrectly or unsuitably implied (I stole the definition from Wikipedia). For todays daily, we're going to be writing something surrounding a misnomer. Perhaps it is a story surrounding an already common misnomer, or you make your own misnomer for your own unique world. For this daily, write xxx words for xxx points.

Chloe/Phoenix ~ Camper ~ Musician ~ Artist ~ Writer ~ Ranger's Apprentice Fan ~ Christian ~ So Much More

1000+ posts

JWC (Co)(G)Host Forum 2025 </3

iinspirqtion wrote:

Oh yes I totally forgot about that but yes I'll put it into all of the dailies!
thumbs up

smartypantschlo wrote:

Ok, apologizing for dropping the ball again, rough week turned into a rough month, been taking a lot of time to sort out relationships and responsibilities IRL, but I have thought about dailies.
no worries chloe! take any time you need- we still have a few months until we really need to get working :) <333

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨

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