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: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

NOTE: This is NOT the main thread. Click here to go to the main thread for any queries, if you've got any contributions to make, or if you're interested to volunteer with us!!

@PangolinButCodes (also making the background music track!)

Hi Designers! I won't do much formatting here, and I'll just get started. I'll be lingering around here and will try my best to help out because I'm not that great at this.
We are currently working on V2 of Screviews.

What we'll be incorporating:
#1: Glowing up the sprites
#2: Making of more sprites for new features (check the developer thread for more info)
#3: Thumbnail glow-up
#4: We need to make banners for this forum and signature icons for advertisement
#5: coming up…!

p.s. yes, i've copy-pasted this format because i'm too lazy to type

Last edited by IcedMocha238 (March 29, 2024 11:40:27)

100+ posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩


EDIT: to make things work, you all can have projects with your artwork in them as not everybody can do image hosting, and some websites may not be available in some regions.

Check the V1 and please determine what sprites you'd like to give a glow-up ASAP! Once we begin at the developer thread, I'll update you all with a new sprites list as frequently as I can. Also, follow this thread so that you get post updates in your notifications.

Last edited by IcedMocha238 (March 16, 2024 10:24:36)

100+ posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

bump! ig i'll have to notify y'all personally?

EDIT: ok nvm, forget it. here are your assignments for now.
Header Sprite: jessem98
rating dot 1-5 & rating display sprites: Sunny_Outside
backdrop: Cotton_Scratch
Demo Shop, Arrow, Avg review sprites: PangolinButCodes

you can exchange assignments, but i need them done by 1wk.

Color aesthetics: decide amongst yourselves.

Thank you!

Last edited by IcedMocha238 (March 17, 2024 06:18:43)

43 posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

sorry for taking so long to respond…

i added a new song to the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/981526746/editor/

i do think that the first one fits more, but it's not my project.

whichever you choose will be final and i will make either later today, tommorow, or tuesday (depending on how generous my math teachers feeling lol.)

once again sorry for the delay and the wait, i'm just the biggest procrastinator on the planet.

edit – i removed the origonal track2 and replaced it with the new one.

edit – for the ui design, i can get it done by wednesday or earlier

edit {last one i promise} – i'm thinking design colors could be a saturation 80, brightness 100, color 50 as base.

edit {i lied lol} – my outlines are 6 pixels. (even tho it says 8 for the demo shop, the size is 75%, and 75% of 8 is 6)

Last edited by PangolinButCodes (March 17, 2024 18:56:46)

90 posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

Hi! So, what colour scheme are we going with? Also, should I use bitmap or vector?
That's all I need for now, thanks!
43 posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

Sunny_Outside wrote:

Hi! So, what colour scheme are we going with? Also, should I use bitmap or vector?
That's all I need for now, thanks!
currently, i'm doing vector with a light blue (c: 50, s: 80, b: 100), alongside white.
500+ posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

Here's the background, if there are any changes that you want I can do them

Last edited by Cotton_Scratch (March 19, 2024 12:00:49)

100+ posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

Cotton_Scratch wrote:

Here's the background, if there are any changes that you want I can do them
It looks nice, but not like a final draft. (constructive criticism, don't get me wrong here)

PangolinButCodes wrote:

sorry for taking so long to respond…

i added a new song to the project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/981526746/editor/

i do think that the first one fits more, but it's not my project.

whichever you choose will be final and i will make either later today, tommorow, or tuesday (depending on how generous my math teachers feeling lol.)

once again sorry for the delay and the wait, i'm just the biggest procrastinator on the planet.

edit – i removed the origonal track2 and replaced it with the new one.

edit – for the ui design, i can get it done by wednesday or earlier

edit {last one i promise} – i'm thinking design colors could be a saturation 80, brightness 100, color 50 as base.

edit {i lied lol} – my outlines are 6 pixels. (even tho it says 8 for the demo shop, the size is 75%, and 75% of 8 is 6)

i've replied on the music project about a wk ago- we can use the first track, but softening it will give it more of a bg music vibes

2. sure
3. awesome (i'll just go on scratch after typing this and see what it looks like- edit: its bright )
4. ok thats fiine

Last edited by IcedMocha238 (March 19, 2024 16:54:23)

100+ posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

1000+ posts

: ̗̀➥ Screviews - A new way of reviewing Scratch Shops!! || Designers Thread || Apply to volunteer at main thread TODAY!! ✧.*↩

the sir UI person have arivve
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