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500+ posts

Sci-Fi Cabin Storyline Collaborative Story!


“Hey, everyone!” Zion shouts with finality. “I know we need to track down the AI. That's the only way to fix this problem and save the database. But for now, as we figure out how to dismantle it, we need to focus on re-inputting data. Otherwise, we really will lose everything. Alright?”
Slowly, nods encompass the group.
“How're we going to do that?” someone asks.
Zion smiles.
“As a team. Together!”
CD and Finley look at each other and grin determinedly. “Zion's right. Let's do this!”
The crowd erupts into cheers. People turn to each other, optimistic. We're going to save the database!
“Okay, let's go! And then,” Zion's face hardens into a firm smile, “We'll find out whatever started this whole thing.”


Hello, everyone, and welcome to the first activity of this sci-fi storyline segment!

As a cabin, we're going to write a collaborative story! One person will start the story, writing about a hundred words, and then someone else will continue the same story with another hundred words. Anyone can join- in this manner, we'll write a story together! Each contribution to the story will give you 3 fragments

If you need any clarification on this task, please do not hesitate to ask <3
We will be writing this story in this forum- each contribution can be a new thread.
This is a fanfic-style story where we encourage using your and other people's oc's as characters. Please always be respectful and reasonable with all characters!

If you're looking to start the story and would like some inspiration, you may want to choose from one of these prompts:

“A SWC fanfic where we as a cabin visit all the different SWC planets!”
“The Database has crash-landed into unfamiliar territory. How do we navigate this planet?”
“It's an average day in the Database, but in mere hours the AI will begin its attack. What occurs the morning before? (You are unaware about the attack )”

Good luck! Let's ensure that this AI is defeated


ello ello ello
CD, they/them

hey, you should join graffiti
in sac
19 posts

Sci-Fi Cabin Storyline Collaborative Story!

“The Database has crash-landed into unfamiliar territory. How do we navigate this planet?”

Crocs opened her eyes, blinking slowly as her vision adjusted around her. A massive rock formation sat in front of her and had broken through the rough outer shell of the database. That's not good. She propped herself up onto her elbows and rubbed her head. The blaring of multiple sirens from inside the database made her mind spin. She tried to remember what had happened, but the only thing that came was the screams of her fellow campers as the database blasted through a planet's surface.

“Guys? Hello?” She spoke as her words let out a puff of brown dust. There were only coughs and confusion in response. The lights had gone dark and the only source of light was a broken screen from the main computer. It looked like a horror movie. “Where….are we?” She asked to anyone that would hear her.
17 posts

Sci-Fi Cabin Storyline Collaborative Story!

Surf’s ears were ringing, but as the harsh vibrations lessened, they heard the question Crocs had asked. The Database had been impaled by some sort of sharp structure on the terrain, and Surf didn’t recognize the strange planet’s surface at all. Once one of the researchers had confirmed that no one was injured beyond mild scrapes, the team was ready to form a plan of action. “We’re on some sort of planet,” Surf hesitantly called out in reply, shifting out from the space below a piece of the ceiling that had caved in. “I think I can figure it out, I just need access to one part of the Database…” they trailed off. “I just need access to the archives, if they’re intact.”
27 posts

Sci-Fi Cabin Storyline Collaborative Story!

Rainy groaned, shifting in the small cavity created by two broken ceiling tiles. Dust swirled around her as she pushed the pieces away. She sat up and surveyed her surroundings - a dark, hostile looking planet, with a jagged surface. It was too dark to see much more.

“The archives?” she asked, drawing her hands down her scraped face and wincing. “Yeah, I can try to pull that up. Any working computers or do we have to get something up and running first?”

She pushed herself up from the floor and half walked, half crawled over the broken materials to Crocs and Surf.

“What… is this place?” Rainy mumbled.

Last edited by rainy-rayne (March 15, 2024 01:53:21)

100+ posts

Sci-Fi Cabin Storyline Collaborative Story!

“I have… No clue.” An unfamiliar face mumbled in reply, looking at the damage caused to the Database. That does… Not look pretty. He seems to be curious about the surroundings though.

“I don’t think the archives will be helpful in this case, as the computers were probably destroyed when we crash-landed. How fast did we even come down is the question though?” The individual wipes their own face off with the back of their hand, looking at the damage caused from the sudden change.

“Wait. This terrain looks oddly familiar to me. I know for sure that it’s a planet, but I’m not exactly sure which one it is… Do any of you happen to know?” He seems to be ignoring the shards of glass that cover the general area, probably symbolizing a broken computer that they could’ve used if they were fortunate enough. And possibly a few small pieces went flying and—ooh, that does not look good.

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