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33 posts

SWC dailies and others

I got 4, word counts 502))) That thing is shrouded in mist. its scent, musty and moldy, like a basement left for years. It used to be beautiful, a woman desired by all, but the villager's ignorance and pride corrupted their minds and she was regarded as a monster, a demon to deceive the humans. There she sat weeping away for what felt like an eternity, decomposing slowly, her beauty nothing. Under the willow tree, a stone statue stays for eternity. A little girl with her mother would come and offer the statue fresh baked sweets and breads, hoping that they become as beautiful and flourishing as the stone woman.

The woman, such an eye candy for the village, no one knew where she came from, as she was there before they settled down. She was intelligent too, all eyes on her. She lived with an older widow, as the village called her Granny Amaya, The woman helped around the house, cleaning cooking, and watering the plants, she never asked for payment back. Alas, all good things must come to an end, and Granny Amaya died of a horrible sickness. The mayor, a superstious man, was shocked by this, and of course to keep his face, he pointed fingers at the woman. THe village had a meeting over the course of a week on what to do with the woman. After 7 days and 7 nights, they came to an agreement. She was a curse, they must ban her from the village so no disease would spread. She had a day to pack, and there she went. She walked deep into the woods, spending her days weeping under a giant oak tree, shielding her from the rain, from the unbearable sun, from the view of prey and birds. A soft voice called down to her
“oh dear child, why is thou weeping under my mighty oak that has flourished since the grass sprang, the birds chirped, and the water sang”
The woman kept weeping as she replied “my life has no meaning, the person I have loved like a mother has died and I have no home to go to at the end of the day”
“My child, feign no sadness, for thou has watched you and seen how you have been blessed with such love and peace, how would you turn your back to a blessing from the heavenly” The voice replied with such love, it felt like a mother comforting her child after an injury
“But how shall i go, for I am stuck in a deep pit of despair there is no way out” The woman replied as she wiped her tears, “my only wish is to rest peacefully with my caregiver and have no worries but what I shall wear the next day”
There was silence for a few minutes
“Then I shall grant your wish, my child” The voice flowed. And so the woman slowly turned to stone under the great oak, as she flew in the sky like a dove and reunited with her caregiver at last.
33 posts

SWC dailies and others

Lorax stared at him, his perfect red fur, his orange nose. “Lorax, Lorax, LORAX” he snapped out of it, everyone was laughing, except for him, Elmo, his crush. Lorax pulled his black hoodie over his head and frowned “i cant help it, im…im…im EMO” Everyone stared at him, Elmo became red. Elmo loved emo people. (IDK HOW TO CARRY IT ON)

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