Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

TheSweetpop wrote:

I would like to join
User: evan_bite and TheSweetpop
Position: Animator
Why I would like to join: I need social activity and would like to improve my art/animation
How active will I be: Very active but I will give you a heads up if I need a break
How skilled are you in the position you chose: I am okay, but it depends on how you see it as I might be biased
Proof of work: My newest project on Cassidy
Notes: I am only 10 so don't expect professionalism right from the start
I will review you tomorrow.

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

TheSweetpop wrote:

I would like to join
User: evan_bite and TheSweetpop
Position: Animator
Why I would like to join: I need social activity and would like to improve my art/animation
How active will I be: Very active but I will give you a heads up if I need a break
How skilled are you in the position you chose: I am okay, but it depends on how you see it as I might be biased
Proof of work: My newest project on Cassidy
Notes: I am only 10 so don't expect professionalism right from the start
Accepted. Major information: We have activity checks every once in awhile. We have one right now but you don't need to do it. Starting June 1st, we will be in “hibernation” period. There will be no activity checks and you will not have to be active at all. It'll end when school starts. This is our website (made by me): https://aags2.w3spaces.com . It contains a lot of things you might need, such as the rules. I will also invite you to the studio and art studio. Right now you don't have a lead but we are trying to figure that out. The only staff members are me and moigam (the owner) so if you need help with something or have any questions feel free to ask us. I am online 8am-4pm (sometimes later such as right now) from monday to friday (sometimes during the weekend as well) so your best shot of getting an answer for something is from me.

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:

Y'all should start praising me or something. I respond in literal minutes

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or desparately trying to get his Twin Famicom to work as a Disk System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A good friend of mine that I met on this site.

Random filler text part 2: My mission to beat all GG Sonic games
1: Done
2: Done
Chaos: Done
TT: Done
Blast: Done
Drift: Done
Drift 2: Trash
Labyrinth: 3-2
Mean Bean: Stage 6
Spinball: Trash
SkyPatrol: Training
Adventures: Somewhere

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 84/100
Banish count: 14/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 27/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

There's no way I could pad this out even more, or so I thought,
But then i had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before.

Why are you still here?
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

PixelGod677 wrote:

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

Warning Alert

What is rule number 1?
u mind if i take your quote?
dis one: “Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”
Also, what gum wrappers u read? mine just say “contains bad for u bad for u and 1000 more ingredients”

Um… the quote is from Superman i think and then I found it in Ready Player One (the best movie of all time)

It basically means “one man's trash is another man's treasure” i think or it's “big things come in small packages”. it's hard to explain

Last edited by RecessFailsOffical (May 10, 2024 11:23:11)

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
My school collected all computers for the rest of the school year, so I will be less active.
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

16 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

PixelGod677 wrote:

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

u mind if i take your quote?
dis one: “Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”
Also, what gum wrappers u read? mine just say “contains bad for u bad for u and 1000 more ingredients”

Um… the quote is from Superman i think and then I found it in Ready Player One (the best movie of all time)

It basically means “one man's trash is another man's treasure” i think or it's “big things come in small packages”. it's hard to explain

Hot take the book was ten times better
1000+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

budep wrote:

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

RecessFailsOffical wrote:

MineTurte wrote:


Um… the quote is from Superman i think and then I found it in Ready Player One (the best movie of all time)

It basically means “one man's trash is another man's treasure” i think or it's “big things come in small packages”. it's hard to explain

Hot take the book was ten times better

ehhhhh ig i can't argue w that the book is good but it definitely isn't as appropriate as the movie

Last edited by RecessFailsOffical (May 10, 2024 11:59:32)

highlight (double click) a piece of text + control (command if on mac) + shift + down arrow key to see my full “siggy”.
If your computer can't see images from Cubeupload, that's not my problem
My school collected all computers for the rest of the school year, so I will be less active.
“Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.”

cool stuff: 500th post | an awesome suggestion made by moi | an awesome controversial suggestion also made by moi | gen z has attacked | why did tfh get deleted yall


Hi! I'm @RecessFailsOffical. This is my signature, where I am allowed to advertise, blockspam, etc. It goes under every post I make. I know I spelled Official wrong in my username because I made this account when I was like 2. I'm in 6th Grade, I like coding and I want to be a software developer when I grow up.
Pronouns: He/Him or any pronouns as long as I'm not referred to as “Gibson”, “she/her”, or “TommyInnit”.

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Sohta_kun wrote:

MineTurte wrote:

Y'all should start praising me or something. I respond in literal minutes
don't take that seriously- I think i'll be fired if I condone to that LOL

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

100+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:

don't take that seriously- I think i'll be fired if I condone to that LOL
Still, six hours is a pretty respectable time, considering that time zones exist.

edit: just realized I responded in a minute lol

Last edited by Sohta_kun (May 10, 2024 12:57:17)

As a person who is too lazy to think of a good signature, @Sohta_kun is a random guy whose existence is confirmed. Also a self-proclaimed respected member of grifftopia. You can also find him in his dark basement room where you can either see him having an existential crisis or desparately trying to get his Twin Famicom to work as a Disk System.
when green flag clicked
Hope you don't get banned

To do:

Random filler text: My list of friends
@Thefireking0009: My friend from summer camp.
@beracakirbay: An irl friend I met in fourth grade.
@CeaderCrestLS: Another friend from fourth grade.
@AshNorton321: A good friend of mine that I met on this site.

Random filler text part 2: My mission to beat all GG Sonic games
1: Done
2: Done
Chaos: Done
TT: Done
Blast: Done
Drift: Done
Drift 2: Trash
Labyrinth: 3-2
Mean Bean: Stage 6
Spinball: Trash
SkyPatrol: Training
Adventures: Somewhere

Random filler text part 3: My stats (current/goal)
Frontpaged: 0/10
Number of times I cringed to death: 84/100
Banish count: 14/50
Sonic OC quality recolors: 1/0
Touching grass: 0/1
Day count of trying not to get replied: 27/365
Success rate: 0 / whatever day it is
Filler text: this much / infinite

Random filler text part 4: Milestones on the forums
100th post

There's no way I could pad this out even more, or so I thought,
But then i had a very good idea. I used F5. See, using F5 gave me a whole new perspective and i was able to see a chest i couldn't have seen before.

Why are you still here?
40 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Username: Number1MasterCoder
Position: Artist
Why do you want to join us? Because I want something else to do while the game is not officially done
How active will you be? Weely
How skilled are you at the position you chose? good
Proof of work (if possible): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/986613327
Notes (optional): Tell me if I got the job… or not. And did I get the testing job?

when green flag clicked
switch costume to [ Eat]
switch costume to [ Code]
switch costume to [ Sleep]

20 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

moigam wrote:

Main post | Roles | Forms


If you want to join, please fill the following form! Please read the roles post before applying.

Username: Sakurabloomstar
Position: Any kind of artist. I see that you're not accepting but there's also no one in those roles. I would prefer Art lead if possible
Why do you want to join us?: I'm trying to get my art out there and use it for other purposes. I would love to collab on a game :0
Activity: 9/10 I'm on Scratch very often and I respond in only a few minutes or hours
Skill: Pretty high
Examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1014827277/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992507139/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/956223271/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/999516319/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/982800911/
Notes: I usually draw animals but ask me to draw anything and you will get the same amount of quality. My work is always rendered and shaded unless asked or noted otherwise. I'm also a world-builder/writer if you need any of that
65 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Username: cs3165907
Position: Game Designer
Why do you want to join us? I struggle to create stuff on my own so I decided to team up with other scratchers.
Activity: 8/10
Skill: 8/10
Notes: I can do some pixel art, as well as some intricate coding. I'm a good problem solver which is why I like coding.

@cs3165907, Creator of the Conquest Collaboration
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

oh my god– why today man. 3 applications? man I don't get paid enough. Actually I don't get paid at all.

Number1MasterCoder wrote:

Username: Number1MasterCoder
Position: Artist
Why do you want to join us? Because I want something else to do while the game is not officially done
How active will you be? Weely
How skilled are you at the position you chose? good
Proof of work (if possible): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/986613327
Notes (optional): Tell me if I got the job… or not. And did I get the testing job?
Rejected. We have enough pixel artists. And yes you got the testing job. Also if you could reply to the activity check too so I can keep track of roles easier.

Sakurabloomstar wrote:

Username: Sakurabloomstar
Position: Any kind of artist. I see that you're not accepting but there's also no one in those roles. I would prefer Art lead if possible
Why do you want to join us?: I'm trying to get my art out there and use it for other purposes. I would love to collab on a game :0
Activity: 9/10 I'm on Scratch very often and I respond in only a few minutes or hours
Skill: Pretty high
Examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1014827277/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/992507139/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/956223271/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/999516319/, https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/982800911/
Notes: I usually draw animals but ask me to draw anything and you will get the same amount of quality. My work is always rendered and shaded unless asked or noted otherwise. I'm also a world-builder/writer if you need any of that
Accepted. Absolutely no questions asked lol. Major information (read all of this): We have activity checks every once in awhile. We have one right now but you don't need to reply to it. Starting June 1st, we will be in “hibernation” period. There will be no activity checks and you will not have to be active at all. It'll end when school starts. This is our website (made by me): https://aags2.w3spaces.com . It contains a lot of things you might need, such as the rules. I will also invite you to the studio and art studio. Right now you don't have a lead but we are trying to figure that out. The only staff members are me and moigam (the owner) so if you need help with something or have any questions feel free to ask us. I am online 8am-4pm (sometimes later such as right now) from monday to friday (sometimes during the weekend as well) so your best shot of getting an answer for something is from me.

cs3165907 wrote:

Username: cs3165907
Position: Game Designer
Why do you want to join us? I struggle to create stuff on my own so I decided to team up with other scratchers.
Activity: 8/10
Skill: 8/10
Notes: I can do some pixel art, as well as some intricate coding. I'm a good problem solver which is why I like coding.

Accepted. Finally a game designer! The thing I pasted for sakurabloomstar applies to you as well.

website: https://aags2.w3spaces.com
rules: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7926401/

I'll invite both of you to the main studio and your own respective studios.

oh my god we have about 20 people now… we've grown so much…

Last edited by MineTurte (May 10, 2024 14:19:43)

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

65 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

So you said that it's gonna be a side-scroller? I really don't know what to suggest. What is gonna be the game objective?
(pick random (something) to (something))

@cs3165907, Creator of the Conquest Collaboration
65 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

Do I have a lead?

@cs3165907, Creator of the Conquest Collaboration
65 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte, can you give me a basic outline for the project?

@cs3165907, Creator of the Conquest Collaboration
25 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

TheSweetpop wrote:

I would like to join
User: evan_bite and TheSweetpop
Position: Animator
Why I would like to join: I need social activity and would like to improve my art/animation
How active will I be: Very active but I will give you a heads up if I need a break
How skilled are you in the position you chose: I am okay, but it depends on how you see it as I might be biased
Proof of work: My newest project on Cassidy
Notes: I am only 10 so don't expect professionalism right from the start
o! nice!
good luck dude!
500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

PixelGod677 wrote:

TheSweetpop wrote:

I would like to join
User: evan_bite and TheSweetpop
Position: Animator
Why I would like to join: I need social activity and would like to improve my art/animation
How active will I be: Very active but I will give you a heads up if I need a break
How skilled are you in the position you chose: I am okay, but it depends on how you see it as I might be biased
Proof of work: My newest project on Cassidy
Notes: I am only 10 so don't expect professionalism right from the start
o! nice!
good luck dude!
read the messages bro. I accepted them.

cs3165907 wrote:

MineTurte, can you give me a basic outline for the project?
The game idea on the studio. It's a project made by @CRAZYTVSTU . Not only that but it is also on the website. Maybe check out the links and “explore” before asking so many questions. *Please* read the rules before doing anything as you might accidentally break one and get yourself a warning.

Last edited by MineTurte (May 10, 2024 16:38:23)

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

500+ posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)


Alright y'all. There are now 15+ people in this game studio. There are only 2 staff members. Me and moigam. Moigam is barely active and I don't blame him, he doesn't have to be. I am active as much as possible and even then I have trouble keeping up and managing all of you. You guys need to be the best you can. What I mean by that is you need to listen to everything you're told, and use your resources to answer questions you might have. Example: “What's the game idea”. Use the resources I gave you such as the studio and our website to figure it out! Obviously if you have questions that are not answered anywhere that says AAGS, you can ask me. Also if you see this right now, good job you are already being the best you can by reading everything. I am going to emphasize everything I've seen people questioning and confused about as well as other things some people might get confused by. Everyone needs to pay attention to it, even if you think you already know it. No matter how much of a veteran you are in this game studio, this applies to you.

1. To start there is a simple “food chain” in the roles. There are members, leads, and staff. Members are at the bottom, then leads in the middle, and staff at the top. You always listen to whoever is above you in the chain. No questions asked. Not listening is against the rules, as well as complaining, arguing, or just being annoying to staff in general.

2. Major information sources. Our game studio is fortunate to have a lot of nice sources of info easily accessible. The studio description by itself contains a TON of information. The website contains links to more information such as rules and the game idea as well as the roles list (outdated).
The website: https://aags2.w3spaces.com/
You don't need the link to the studio as you are already in it.

3. Commonly broken rules. There are a couple of commonly broken rules that are awfully annoying to me. And no, surprisingly the snipping rule isn't among the commonly broken rules. Instead they are these:
Rule 1. “You must stay in your role. Meaning you cannot do anything outside of your role. Such as if you were an artist and start making music or something.”
Rule 13. “Do not create anything before asking your lead. You can also ask a staff member if your lead isn't online. This is so everyone can create things actually helpful. Now this can be very broad so I will narrow it down. You are allowed to make changes to someone else's (or your own) creation(s). You are not allowed to make completely new creations (without permission from lead/staff)” (this rule can be bent a little because of our current lack of leads situation).

4. Disappearing without a trace. This varies quite a bit and it depends on the case but PLEASE tell a staff member if you know you are going to miss a activity check. Obviously some activity checks can come out of nowhere but it's rare.

5. Don't lie about your skill. You know how good you actually are. I am not going to name names but some of you claim to have some high number out of 10 in skill, but actually suck at what you do. And I'm not trying to be rude and I get you just wanna have fun and make something but at least admit you aren't as good as you say. And actually try to improve.

6. Don't ask for roles that you know you can't do. This is self explanatory and similar to #5. Just don't try to get a 2nd role just because you see other people “having fun” or doing something you believe to be more enjoyable. You will get your time soon enough, be patient.

7. Be patient. Don't start spamming or something because I haven't answered something after 2 seconds. I am quick but not that quick.

8. Don't try to take control. What I mean is just don't try and start trying to run everything yourself. Don't make random alt studios, ideas, roles, etc. It's annoying and inconvenient if someone is trying to find helpful information. Now there are exceptions. If you make something genuinely helpful and contains a heck ton of information that you believe to be helpful for the studio, send it to me or ask me if you can use it! Just don't try to start anything yourself. It's not because I don't trust you, it's because of what I said literally a sentence ago.

9. Try and stick to topic on the forums. Now I admit I talk random in the forum too. But there is a certain extent to it. Don't do it an unnecessary amount. Like don't have full on convo's in the forum.

10. Act like this is a real, full fetched job. You should be anyways. The only way to make perfection is to embrace the working ways. Now I know like 90% of y'all can't even work anyways but just act like you did and this was your job. You should treat this as if it was. Do that and you'll seriously impress me.

Extra: From now on every week I will make an announcement announcing the member of the week (MOTW). Doesn't do anything in particular but it's cool I guess. Also when I say every week, I mean every week not in hibernation period.

More information:
Activity checks
An activity check is a post made by a staff member in which members need to reply to get marked as active. Each activity check will have a deadline and if you fail to reply to the message before that deadline, you get booted. Now, 1 day after the activity check is posted, whoever posted it will notify everyone in the studio who is not marked off on their profile telling them about it.

Hibernation Period
Hibernation period is the period in which there will be 0 activity checks and no one is expected to work. It starts on June 1st and ends when school starts again. During hibernation period the rules will be “frozen” and you can in theory break them BUT, when hibernation ends and staff are back if they figure out you broke any rules, you will be “charged” with them. Anything major will result in an immediate removal without notice.

15+ (not revealing age) girl. Pronouns are she/her.
Host of The Pi Counsel. Comment in studio to join.

Front-end web developer & software programmer. I use JS, HTML, & CSS. Learning python3 right now.
Grammar fanatic as well

If I helped you out consider following Juni-Bug!

Select this + shift + down arrow = view rest of signature

This is JuniperActias. AKA Moth mommy.

Signature gradients here

If you found this secret; reply with ‘uwu’ with absolutely no context

25 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)

MineTurte wrote:


Rule 13. “Do not create anything before asking your lead. You can also ask a staff member if your lead isn't online. This is so everyone can create things actually helpful. Now this can be very broad so I will narrow it down. You are allowed to make changes to someone else's (or your own) creation(s). You are not allowed to make completely new creations (without permission from lead/staff)” (this rule can be bent a little because of our current lack of leads situation).
So, um, what do I do as an artiest… the art team has no lead rn so. like do I just not draw? like wdym bye “this rule can be bent some”?
ty! ~PixelGod677
25 posts

Advanced Alpha Games Studio (Hiring artists, game designers, and more!)


Last edited by PixelGod677 (May 10, 2024 17:40:21)

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