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1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
launch ((play sound (Meow v) until done :: sound stack)@addInput::grey ring) :: control
Last edited by A-MARIO-PLAYER (Aug. 29, 2024 17:16:47)
- warriorcatsfreakalt
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
what is love :: events :: hat block
baby don't hurt me :: looks
play sound [don't hurt me v]
wait (no more :: custom) secs
end :: operators :: cap
- 8to16
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
today's your chance to be a winner and recieve 1000000 blockbit click the scratch logo for more infowhen flag clicked // to let this go in testing topicthis is a joke and is also a test of the quoting thing
be a big winner :: events cap
Last edited by 8to16 (Aug. 29, 2024 18:20:20)
- Rain68
41 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
Add blocks to the chain. I'll go first:when green flag clicked::events hat // vdiaz041Press “Quote” to add blocks to the chain.
start @greenFlag::events // 17Domin0
move (21) steps::motion //vdiaz041/this is my computer
repeat until <(my computer) = [broken]> //thebruce10
yeet (my computer)::motion
pick (my computer) up::motion
go to [computer]
go to [hell] // Rain68
define hell
Bad place::motion // Rain68
- noah07620
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when @greenFlag clicked
set [darkmode? v] to [0]
set [mode v] to [1]
set size to ((1) / (0)) %
pen up
erase all
set pen color to [#ff0000]
set pen size to (2)
set [x軸の回旋 v] to [0]
set [y軸の回旋 v] to [0]
if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> then
change [y_ v] by (2)
if <key [down arrow v] pressed?> then
change [y_ v] by (-2)
if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
change [x_ v] by (2)
if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
change [x_ v] by (-2)
if <key [1 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [1]
if <key [2 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [2]
if <key [3 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [4]
if <key [space v] pressed?> then
set [darkmode? v] to (((darkmode?) * (-1)) + (1))
wait until <not <key [space v] pressed?>>
if <mouse down?> then
set [x軸の回旋 v] to ((mouse x) / (2))
set [y軸の回旋 v] to ((mouse y) / ((6) / (3)))
define (北緯) (東経) (深さ) (マグニチュード)
set pen [transparency v] to ((100) - (マグニチュード::custom))
set pen [color v] to ((深さ::custom) / (7))
set [return1 v] to (((((東経::custom) - (135)) * (14)) * ([cos v] of (x軸の回旋)::operators)) + (([sin v] of (x軸の回旋)::operators) * ((深さ::custom) * (-.3))))
set [return2 v] to (((((北緯::custom) - (35)) * (14)) * ([cos v] of (y軸の回旋)::operators)) + (([sin v] of (y軸の回旋)::operators) * ((深さ::custom) * (-.3))))
define 描画
erase all
if <(darkmode?) = [1]> then
set pen color to [#000000]
set pen size to (10000)
pen down
pen up
set pen [transparency v] to (0)
set pen color to [#ff0000]
set pen size to (2)
set [カウンター1 v] to (item (mode) of [mode_start v])
repeat (item (mode) of [mode_repeat v])
change [カウンター1 v] by (1)
(item (カウンター1) of [北緯 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [東経 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [深さ v]) ((100) - (item (カウンター1) of [マグニチュード v]))::custom
go to x: (return1) y: (return2)
pen down
pen up
set [カウンター1 v] to [0]
set pen size to (1)
set pen [transparency v] to (80)
repeat (length of [日本東経 v]::data)
change [カウンター1 v] by (1)
(item (カウンター1) of [日本北緯 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [日本東経 v]) [0] [100]::custom
go to x: (return1) y: (return2)
if <(darkmode?) = [0]> then
set pen color to [#000000]
set pen color to [#ffffff]
pen down
pen up
- TheCreatorOfUnTV
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
That's justlaunch ({
play sound [Meow v] until done
}@addInput::grey ring) :: control
play sound [Meow v]
- TheCreatorOfUnTV
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
// try defining this function!Credit to @gilbert_given_189
{(get derivative of (f) at (x) :: grey)} :: control hat
set [dx v] to [0.00001]
report (((call (f) with inputs ((x) + (dx)) @delInput @addInput :: control) - (call (f) with inputs (x) @delInput @addInput :: control) :: #33CC33) / (dx)) :: control cap
when green flag clicked
say (get derivative of ({
report ([sqrt v] of (x)) :: control cap
} with inputs (x) @delInput @addInput :: #AAAAAA ring) at (2) :: grey)
say (get derivative of ({
report ([sin v] of (x)) :: control cap
} with inputs (x) @delInput @addInput :: #AAAAAA ring) at (270) :: grey)
Last edited by TheCreatorOfUnTV (Aug. 29, 2024 23:43:43)
- vdiaz041
500+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
point towards [brillianBee19 v]
- Ollie-Young
500+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
Here’s some blocks I use to make my projects:
when green flag clicked // loading the animation.
switch costume to [ costume1 v]
repeat (pick random (20) to (50))
Animate until (# of costumes) every (0.02) seconds
broadcast [ Done loading] // start the animation.
define Animate until (frame #) every (fps #) seconds
repeat until <(costume [number v] :: looks) = [frame #]> // animate
next costume
wait (fps #) secs
define Animate backwards until (frame #) every (fps #) seconds
repeat until <(costume [number v] :: looks) = [frame #]> // animate backwards
switch costume to ((costume [number v] :: looks) - (1)) // since there’s no previous costume just use this.
wait (fps #) secs
Last edited by Ollie-Young (Aug. 30, 2024 05:17:08)
69 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when green flag clicked
go to x: [0] y: [0] // Starting position
set [velocity y v] to [0]
if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
change x by [5]
if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
change x by [-5]
if <key [space v] pressed?> and <(touching [Platform v])> then
set [velocity y v] to [10]
change y by (velocity y)
change [velocity y v] by [-1] // Gravity
if <touching [Platform v]> then
set [velocity y v] to [0]
- Saifan2014
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
define make 3D X (X) Y (Y) direction (direction) repeat(repeat)
go to x: (Y) y: (X)
point in direction (direction)
repeat (repeat)
change [brightness v] effect by (-1)
create clone of [myself v]
change y by (-2)
when green flag clicked
Make 3D X (0) Y (0) direction (90) repeat (30)
3d sprite
Last edited by Saifan2014 (Aug. 30, 2024 08:50:22)
- griffnugget
11 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
define 3d
when green flag clicked
say [hey you there what are you doing] for (2) secs
say [oh you say that your here to help some one sorry no entry guards only] for (2) secs
when green flag clicked
if <> then
<key [a v ] pressed?>
broadcast [next word ]
when I receive [ next word v]
say [I'm calling the cops WASTED] for (2) secs
- progamer1271
1 post
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when green flag clicked
say [hello what is this forum] for (2) secs
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when planet [Earth v] exists :: events hat
reject {
if <[broadcast v] recieved? :: events> then
draw cube :: extension
go to [code v] :: control
comment [oops rejected] :: grey
} :: control
- TacNaynAndNyanCat
10 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
define abacadabra (this)
abacadabra (this)