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- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
Add blocks to the chain. I'll go first:when green flag clicked::events hat // vdiaz041Press “Quote” to add blocks to the chain.
start @greenFlag::events // 17Domin0
move (21) steps::motion //vdiaz041/this is my computer
go to [computer]
- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
why does [paper mario and the origami king v] give off the [vibe v] <of just being in a [hotel] :: #458b90>? :: #9e6c1f hat
Because of the floor::#9e6c1f
- champion_ofcloud-var
500+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
hotel paper mariowhy does [paper mario and the origami king v] give off the [vibe v] <of just being in a [hotel] :: #458b90>? :: #9e6c1f hat
Because of the floor::#9e6c1f
- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when green flag clicked
const cacheName = 'v1';
const cacheAssets = [
self.addEventListener('install', e => {
.then(cache => {
return cache.addAll(cacheAssets);
self.addEventListener('fetch', e => {
.then(res => {
const resClone = res.clone();
.then(cache => {
cache.put(e.request, resClone);
return res;
.catch(() => caches.match(e.request))
I am not a fast project creator.
Last edited by 17Domin0 (Aug. 28, 2024 15:50:32)
- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
DOORS hotel paper mariohotel paper mariowhy does [paper mario and the origami king v] give off the [vibe v] <of just being in a [hotel] :: #458b90>? :: #9e6c1f hat
Because of the floor::#9e6c1f
- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
run ({} :: grey ring) @addInput :: control
launch ({} :: grey ring) @addInput :: control
(call ({} :: grey ring) @addInput :: control)
report [] :: control cap
stop block :: control cap
debug :: control
(debug [] :: control)
the script @addInput{
} :: operators cap
(the {reset} block :: operators)
(list [] @delInput @addInput :: list)
script variables ((a) :: grey) @addInput :: grey
<<true( :: #AAAAAA) :: #00CC00> :: operators>
<<( :: #AAAAAA)false :: #CC0000> :: operators>
(unicode of [a] :: operators)
(unicode (65) as letter :: operators)
<is [5] a [number v]? :: operators>
Last edited by 17Domin0 (Aug. 28, 2024 15:53:15)
- 1080GBA
500+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
if <> then () else ()::controlwhy this no exist
- bleveru
19 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when rec flag clicked
play sound [ sound] until done
- vdiaz041
500+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
green flag
when rec green flag clicked::events hat
play sound [sound v] until done
- brillianBee19
24 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
I know only I everyone does this, but I have to do it:
when [I am active? v] or [when I am making new friends? v]::events hat cat
repeat (until [I get banned v] or if [I quit Scratch v]::variables)
hang out with [friends and forum people v]::motion
- brillianBee19
24 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
don't ask why bruh
when this sprite clicked
pen down
don't ask why bruh
Last edited by brillianBee19 (Aug. 28, 2024 22:21:58)
- brillianBee19
24 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when rec flag clicked
play sound [ sound] until done
add ::hat to the beginning and add v to the end of the dropdown
- kouhei-1
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when @greenFlag clicked
set [darkmode? v] to [0]
set [mode v] to [1]
set size to ((1) / (0)) %
pen up
erase all
set pen color to [#ff0000]
set pen size to (2)
set [x軸の回旋 v] to [0]
set [y軸の回旋 v] to [0]
if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> then
change [y_ v] by (2)
if <key [down arrow v] pressed?> then
change [y_ v] by (-2)
if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
change [x_ v] by (2)
if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
change [x_ v] by (-2)
if <key [1 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [1]
if <key [2 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [2]
if <key [3 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [4]
if <key [space v] pressed?> then
set [darkmode? v] to (((darkmode?) * (-1)) + (1))
wait until <not <key [space v] pressed?>>
if <mouse down?> then
set [x軸の回旋 v] to ((mouse x) / (2))
set [y軸の回旋 v] to ((mouse y) / ((6) / (3)))
define (北緯) (東経) (深さ) (マグニチュード)
set pen [transparency v] to ((100) - (マグニチュード::custom))
set pen [color v] to ((深さ::custom) / (7))
set [return1 v] to (((((東経::custom) - (135)) * (14)) * ([cos v] of (x軸の回旋)::operators)) + (([sin v] of (x軸の回旋)::operators) * ((深さ::custom) * (-.3))))
set [return2 v] to (((((北緯::custom) - (35)) * (14)) * ([cos v] of (y軸の回旋)::operators)) + (([sin v] of (y軸の回旋)::operators) * ((深さ::custom) * (-.3))))
define 描画
erase all
if <(darkmode?) = [1]> then
set pen color to [#000000]
set pen size to (10000)
pen down
pen up
set pen [transparency v] to (0)
set pen color to [#ff0000]
set pen size to (2)
set [カウンター1 v] to (item (mode) of [mode_start v])
repeat (item (mode) of [mode_repeat v])
change [カウンター1 v] by (1)
(item (カウンター1) of [北緯 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [東経 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [深さ v]) ((100) - (item (カウンター1) of [マグニチュード v]))::custom
go to x: (return1) y: (return2)
pen down
pen up
set [カウンター1 v] to [0]
set pen size to (1)
set pen [transparency v] to (80)
repeat (length of [日本東経 v]::data)
change [カウンター1 v] by (1)
(item (カウンター1) of [日本北緯 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [日本東経 v]) [0] [100]::custom
go to x: (return1) y: (return2)
if <(darkmode?) = [0]> then
set pen color to [#000000]
set pen color to [#ffffff]
pen down
pen up
Last edited by kouhei-1 (Aug. 29, 2024 02:21:31)
- thebruce10
19 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
Add blocks to the chain. I'll go first:when green flag clicked::events hat // vdiaz041Press “Quote” to add blocks to the chain.
start @greenFlag::events // 17Domin0
move (21) steps::motion //vdiaz041/this is my computer
forever //thebruce10
yeet (my computer)::motion //thebruce10
pick (my computer) up::motion //thebruce10
end //thebruce10
go to [computer]
- thebruce10
19 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
Add blocks to the chain. I'll go first:when green flag clicked::events hat // vdiaz041Press “Quote” to add blocks to the chain.
start @greenFlag::events // 17Domin0
move (21) steps::motion //vdiaz041/this is my computer
repeat until <(my computer) = [broken]> //thebruce10
yeet (my computer)::motion
pick (my computer) up::motion
go to [computer]

Last edited by thebruce10 (Aug. 29, 2024 05:00:25)
- Key_Matbei
13 posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when green flag clicked
go to [Walmart v]
get [Roblox gift card v]::motion
go [ home v]::motion
broadcast [redeem v]
stop [this script v]
when I receive [redeem v]
redeem[roblox gift card v]::motion
Last edited by Key_Matbei (Aug. 29, 2024 06:00:37)
- kouhei-1
1000+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when {when green flag clicked} flag clicked
- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
only I everyone does this, but I have to do it:I knowwhen [I am active v]::events hat
Last edited by 17Domin0 (Aug. 29, 2024 12:15:15)
- 17Domin0
100+ posts
Official [scratchblocks] Testing Topic 9
when @greenFlag clicked
set [darkmode? v] to [0]
set [mode v] to [1]
set size to ((1) / (0)) %
pen up
erase all::pen
set pen color to [#ff0000]
set pen size to (2)
set [x軸の回旋 v] to [0]
set [y軸の回旋 v] to [0]
if <key [up arrow v] pressed?> then
change [y_ v] by (2)
if <key [down arrow v] pressed?> then
change [y_ v] by (-2)
if <key [right arrow v] pressed?> then
change [x_ v] by (2)
if <key [left arrow v] pressed?> then
change [x_ v] by (-2)
if <key [1 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [1]
if <key [2 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [2]
if <key [3 v] pressed?> then
set [mode v] to [4]
if <key [space v] pressed?> then
set [darkmode? v] to (((darkmode?) * (-1)) + (1))
wait until <not <key [space v] pressed?>>
if <mouse down?> then
set [x軸の回旋 v] to ((mouse x) / (2))
set [y軸の回旋 v] to ((mouse y) / ((6) / (3)))
define (北緯) (東経) (深さ) (マグニチュード)
set pen [transparency v] to ((100) - (マグニチュード::custom))::pen
set pen [color v] to ((深さ::custom) / (7))::pen
set [return1 v] to (((((東経::custom) - (135)) * (14)) * ([cos v] of (x軸の回旋)::operators)) + (([sin v] of (x軸の回旋)::operators) * ((深さ::custom) * (-.3))))
set [return2 v] to (((((北緯::custom) - (35)) * (14)) * ([cos v] of (y軸の回旋)::operators)) + (([sin v] of (y軸の回旋)::operators) * ((深さ::custom) * (-.3))))
define 描画
erase all::pen
if <(darkmode?) = [1]> then
set pen color to [#000000]
set pen size to (10000)
pen down
pen up
set pen [transparency v] to (0)::pen
set pen color to [#ff0000]
set pen size to (2)
set [カウンター1 v] to (item (mode) of [mode_start v])
repeat (item (mode) of [mode_repeat v])
change [カウンター1 v] by (1)
(item (カウンター1) of [北緯 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [東経 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [深さ v]) ((100) - (item (カウンター1) of [マグニチュード v]))::custom
go to x: (return1) y: (return2)
pen down
pen up
set [カウンター1 v] to [0]
set pen size to (1)
set pen [transparency v] to (80)::pen
repeat (length of [日本東経 v]::data)
change [カウンター1 v] by (1)
(item (カウンター1) of [日本北緯 v]) (item (カウンター1) of [日本東経 v]) [0] [100]::custom
go to x: (return1) y: (return2)
if <(darkmode?) = [0]> then
set pen color to [#000000]
set pen color to [#ffffff]
pen down
pen up
Last edited by 17Domin0 (Aug. 29, 2024 12:22:01)