Discuss Scratch

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Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

okay, since it’s getting quite close to camp starting, (happy leap day btw! ) does anyone have a strong preference on posting the guide? soki, would you like to since you’re leader? i’m also happy to do so if you don’t have a preference. (i should also post a pfp project—)

also, we have 21 campers it looks like, so maybe we could split it up 5/5/5/6 between us (unless only a few of us want to or can notify) - and perhaps we should let them know their team as well when we do that??

Last edited by violent-measures (Feb. 29, 2024 16:58:03)

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
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Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

i’m not feeling super great today so perhaps someone else should do it?

however this does mean i’m likely staying home from my program in the evening so i might have more time available to me

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

aw, i hope you feel better soki <3 but sure, i can do that real quick! then i have a fair bit of school i need to do today, but i can also invite campers whenever you guys think we ought to ^^

would one of you be able to get a basic word count studio description up? i may be able to do this if you can’t but as i said i do have some school to work on. ^^’ and maybe once we get around to sending invites our first “daily” or announcement or something in fanfi could be to introduce yourself ? :]

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
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Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

okay here it is! let me know if there is anything i should change

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
1000+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

it’s fantastic! i did notice there’s a couple sentences that aren’t capitalized but i don’t think that’s worth the hassle to change imo

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

awesome! ah whoops, sometimes turning off auto capitalization comes back to bite me XD but yeah i agree <3

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
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Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

i can notify campers now if you all are good with that

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

sure! should we all reply to those comments and introduce ourselves or should we just do that in the cabin ? and would you like help notifying people of their allegiance?

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
1000+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

i was thinking to notify of allegiance in a reply to the notification of sorting and ask them to delete it once they see it?

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
1000+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

i can’t find the post with our currency rates. is somebody willing to help me?

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

oh alr! that makes sense too. i might be a bit worried about other campers finding it before they saw it, but it probably wouldn’t be too big of a likelihood?

Last edited by violent-measures (Feb. 29, 2024 20:23:43)

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

i can’t find that either?! D:

here’s what we have in the cabin desc. tho…(if this is what you were talking about?)
“Daily: 5 points
Weekly: 10 points
In-cabin daily: 3 points
Dialogue prompt: 5 points
Storyline contribution: 10 points
Identify someone on the opposite team: 3 points”

were we wanting to come up with a different name for these “points” ?
maybe “quills” or “ink(wells)” or “pens” or something of the sort…?

EDIT: p sure we already decided we’d just call them points, so unless anyone likes any of these ideas or has one of their own i think it’s alr, especially with camp being so close

Last edited by violent-measures (Feb. 29, 2024 20:37:35)

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
1000+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

it’s obvious lol.

idk why i didn’t think of this


❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
1000+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

update my ipad is being very slow so do you mind getting started on the notifying? i don’t have the patience for this right now

❝ I'm Soki, co-leader of Non-Fi, and I am burdened with vacuums and ice cream❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

wait…what part of that was obvious ? XD /nm /gen

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

sure thing! i’ll go through them all first then i can do the allegiance notifying if that’s alr ?

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
500+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

I can help notify a group if need be

Hey! I'm Bookie! Script FTW!
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

hey, i found an error in our camper list… it looks like @tsukasatenma– was sorted into fairy tales?

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
100+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

i think it’s because they signed up on multiple accounts due to a ban. i didn’t invite them since alana already had, but we should probably let robin know for backups sorting, etc. ^^

i notified everyone and invited them to all 4 studios! only thing left there is to let them know their allegiance. if you’re cool doing that bookie, that would be very helpful!

Last edited by violent-measures (Feb. 29, 2024 22:01:14)

✰ vi | s.her | christian | co-leading dystopian july ’24 ! ✰
❝ show me who i am and who i could be ❞
500+ posts

Fanfiction Variance Authority :smirking clock:

Once I get home I’ll get to doing it (about 15 minutes). Thanks for the heads up on that camper, do you want to notify Robin about that?

Hey! I'm Bookie! Script FTW!

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