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Are api-based chat projects allowed?

I saw a project which used the scratch api to access comments on the project and put them in the project as a form of live chat. I thought that was kinda cool, and a neat solution to the moderation problem of cloud chat projects (since you can still report comments and it has the scratch filter). However, this project has been taken down and the user was reportedly banned, and everybody says it was because of that project. So I am wondering if a chat project that uses comments in such a way is allowed.

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Are api-based chat projects allowed?

It sounds fine to me, but if the project was putting a significant strain on the Scratch API that could be why.

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Are api-based chat projects allowed?

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

It sounds fine to me, but if the project was putting a significant strain on the Scratch API that could be why.
That might have been it. The project's design and title was also loosely based around the forbidden blue-purple app which could have factored into it, but that's slightly off-topic.

Also off-topic: 100th post!

Last edited by Xzillox (Dec. 14, 2023 05:50:40)

Disclaimer: I can be extremely stupid at times
14 | Professionally soading since 1998™ | Can't view/post images | Useful forum posts | internetometer | weird notebok | 100th post | tax evasion clicker | RIP | 500th post | forum post hall of fame (#2) | 1000TH POST!! | Evolution of the Electric Guitar (essay)

get games off the trending music category!

a cool thing I found: if you type “(c​)” it will show up as ©

I decided to stop using the support convention

give me song suggestions on my profile (I mostly listen to rock and metal)

when tuned to [drop c v] :: hat events
repeat until <drenched in sweat? :: sensing>
blast some epic [system of a down v] riffs :: motion

1000+ posts

Are api-based chat projects allowed?

The combination of chat and API likely did it. API is always a touchy thing because it's often resource-intensive. Chat is always a touchy thing because there are moderation problems. Even if there are many magical safeguards involving a certain chat system, it's just a fact that unrestricted chat does not belong on Scratch. The argument could be made that this particular chat project only used comments posted on the Scratch website, so in that case it's “moderated,” but at that point you might as well just chat using the regular Scratch comments without using an API project.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

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Are api-based chat projects allowed?

You aren’t allowed to post comments automatically using the api. It’s that simple

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Are api-based chat projects allowed?

cookieclickerer33 wrote:

You aren’t allowed to post comments automatically using the api. It’s that simple
That isn’t what it sounds like it did. It sounds like it viewed new comments rather then posting them.

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1000+ posts

Are api-based chat projects allowed?

Za-Chary wrote:

The argument could be made that this particular chat project only used comments posted on the Scratch website, so in that case it's “moderated,” but at that point you might as well just chat using the regular Scratch comments without using an API project.
The project made it live so you didn't have to reload. That's really the only difference from actual comments I can think of, so yeah I do agree there's not really much of a benefit.

cookieclickerer33 wrote:

You aren’t allowed to post comments automatically using the api. It’s that simple
That's not what the project did. It accessed the comments that people posted on the project and put them on the project as a sort of live chat.

Last edited by Xzillox (Dec. 14, 2023 23:16:50)

Disclaimer: I can be extremely stupid at times
14 | Professionally soading since 1998™ | Can't view/post images | Useful forum posts | internetometer | weird notebok | 100th post | tax evasion clicker | RIP | 500th post | forum post hall of fame (#2) | 1000TH POST!! | Evolution of the Electric Guitar (essay)

get games off the trending music category!

a cool thing I found: if you type “(c​)” it will show up as ©

I decided to stop using the support convention

give me song suggestions on my profile (I mostly listen to rock and metal)

when tuned to [drop c v] :: hat events
repeat until <drenched in sweat? :: sensing>
blast some epic [system of a down v] riffs :: motion


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